Friday, July 19, 2013

Summer means swimming lessons

 This was our fourth year swimming with Miss Lindsay. She is a friend who teaches in her in-law's backyard pool. I love her. Every summer, we spend two weeks taking swimming lessons. It's tradition. This year was our best yet. All of the boys did so well and I was proud of them. Plus, Owen and Eli looked so cute in their goggles.

 Owen is my most fearless swimmer. He learned how to starfish float on his front and back. During every lesson he would ask Miss Lindsay, "Can we jump off the diving board?" Lots of times, she let him (with his little marshmallow belt on of course--he's good, but not that good).

 Marcus is cautious, but yesterday at family swim day, he jumped off of the diving board twice with NO floaties of any kind and swam the length of the pool back to me. Hooray! This year he worked on perfecting his back stroke. It's funny because one arm is not quite as strong as the other so he tends to backstroke in large circles :)

 Last year it was a struggle to even get Eli to go in the pool. He would cry and cry and then when he was finally out there, he had to have every single flotation device available attached to him or he didn't feel comfortable. Not this year! He got right in was a little pro. Maybe his near drowning experience from last summer's vacation made him realize he finally better get serious about this whole learning to swim business.

While the boys were swimming, I hung out poolside with this handsome fellow. The first couple of days he was a little mad that he couldn't get in the pool, but we managed to find some other fun things to do for an hour. It won't be long until I'm posting pics of him chasing around floating rubber duckies whilst wearing adorable goggles.


alecia said...

Too bad we all didn't get a chance to go swimming this summer together! Hopefully soon we can see you guys again and see your boys' skills in the water! :)

ann said...

No, it won't be long until Zach is in the water doing the same things Marcus & the twins are doing...time sure does fly!

I can't wait to see my grandsons' swimming talent :)