Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Where have all the socks gone?

For awhile now, I've been noticing that the babies' sock supply is dwindling. I haven't noticed this because of an empty sock drawer--no no, the drawer is full of single socks in search of their missing half. It's also full of socks that are meant for a newborn's tiny toes and not my boys' two-year-old feet. I've noticed because it's annoying every morning to dig around that drawer in search of something the boys can actually wear and then to find that once I have found that elusive fitting sock, there is no second sock to go with it! Or no sock at all because they're all too dang small!

That said, the boys have a bit of a reputation for removing their socks during naps so today I went hunting and this is what I found behind Eli's crib:

Eli's secret sock stash. I'm pretty sure there were at least 6 pairs of socks back there and some of those missing halves as well. Unfortunately, I can't really continue to think of him as some diabolical sock thief when he smiles at me like this:

I can't tell you how relieved and happy I am to see the curls are still intact after his haircut. Mama loves those curls. So does Eli's mama's mama, apparently. I gleaned this information when we talked on the phone and my mom said, "I didn't think you were going to cut his hair that short," No worries, Mom, it's coming back. Hooray!