Oh, my, have you been wondering where I disappeared to? Life has just felt so busy lately (good busy, but still busy) and while I've still been reading blogs, I haven't been attending to my own. Sorry. I have something to tell you, though. I've lost some of myself. And I'm glad. Can you imagine? How could a person be glad to have lost a part of themselves? Well, I am because I've lost 6 pounds! That lovely little squishy middle that the twins left me as a souvenir to remind me of my pregnancy is slowly (slooooowly) being whittled away and in this past month I've knocked away 6 lbs of squish :) I have several reasons for wanting to lose this weight. Here are a few in no particular order.
1. I'm tired of the bulge when I sit down. Bleh.
2. My babies are 2. There is no more excuse to be carrying around my baby weight. None.
3. I want my cute denim skirts to fit me again. I want to look good this summer.
4. I want to feel healthier. Have more energy. Be a strong mom for my very active boys.
5. My sister is getting married in September. I want to look good in those wedding pictures :)
6. Before I even think about getting pregnant again (and I am starting to think about it) I want to lose the baby weight from my twin pregnancy. I don't want baby weight on top of baby weight.
7. I'm not going to lie, I want to be the hottie with the rockin body :)
But, do you want to know one of my biggest reasons for wanting to lose weight and be healthy? I'm turning 30 this year. THIRTY. I didn't think that this age was going to make me sit back and think, but it has. It has led me to reevaluate some things that I have just always accepted were true. For example: "I will always be size blank. I've been size blank for so many years and that's just how I am." or "I'm not a runner. I can't even run the mile without wanting to puke." Or "I'm supposed to look like this because I've given birth to 3 children." Wrong wrong wrong.
I'm a girl who likes a goal, who likes to work towards something and my big birthday has given me something to work towards. I downloaded an app on my iPod called Couch to 5k and it is awesome. I'm on week seven of nine and I ran for 25 min Mon, Wed, and today. And it didn't kill me and I felt good after. Rough guess, that 25 min is at least 2-3 miles. Awesome! And I'm planning to run a 5k this year in honor of my 30th birthday. I'm doing Weight Watchers with a good friend and we are both losing and feeling good. I even went to a Yoga class (old mantra, I'm not flexible--I can't do that) New I'm-turning-30 mantra: Heck yes, I can!