Sunday, February 20, 2011

Night night

The babies have a new favorite game and it's called "night night." Basically, they lay down in any bed or on the floor or chair or couch or wherever and they want someone to put a blanket on them. Then they start blowing kisses and saying, "night night," just like we do each night when they go to bed. Their favorite spot is in Owen's crib. They snuggle up together and they even want me to turn off the light--if I leave the room, they don't cry, they just giggle together. It's so precious.

Owen has a new name: Ownen. This is how Eli pronounces Owen's name and it has totally caught on. Today, when I was helping out in nursery I caught myself saying, "Here's the puzzle, Ownen. Let's help clean up, Ownen." People probably thought I was a bit crazy :) It's funny though how Ownen seems more natural to say right now then Owen. The very best is when Eli is looking for Owen and you can here is little voice shouting, "Ownen! Ownen!" Or if Owen makes a mess or does something naughty, Eli will wag his finger and say, "No no, Ownen." So funny.

The boys don't like their high chairs anymore, so we'll probably be storing them in the garage soon. When I get their meals ready and say, "Okay, boys, let's go sit in our chairs." They immediately start saying, "Table table" over and over and quickly climb up on the bench. It's a bit messier, but I enjoy looking over at my table and seeing my three little boys sitting there together eating cereal or chicken nuggets (both favorites at our house).

I love my family.


Laura said...

Your boys are adorable Katie. I can't believe how big they're getting!

Tammy said...

They are so much fun. It is amazing how fast they grow up!

Eleyna Julia said...

Loving the latest posts! You're a great writer and I enjoy reading what you have to say. Your boys are presh!