I think this is my favorite of the "get ready" phases so far. On Saturday, my lovely cousins, Rachelle and Margaret (okay, she's married to my cousin--I still think of her as one) threw me the best baby shower. There is nothing like having all of your favorite people in one place except maybe if you then add delicious food and super cute baby presents.

All of my lovely friends and family. A little squished, perhaps, but no one seemed to mind.

The Tew women. My lovely party planners are Margaret (in yellow) and Rachelle (in light green). My sister-in-law, Nicole (stripes), and my mom (tan pants) flew up for the weekend. It was really wonderful to spend time with them, especially Nicole because I hadn't seen her since May.

The two lovely and very young-looking grandmas.

The belly at 28 weeks.

A picture of the spread. We enjoyed spinach dip with Fred Meyer bread (it is simply the best bread ever--trust me. I actually had calls later from people who were wondering where they could find the bread), muffins, veggies, cream puffs, chocolate eclairs, and pink lemonade. Yummy.

All of my book club friends came. I love these women.

Two of my cute Laurels came (I have 4). Aren't they precious?

I was overwhelmed by the generosity and incredible kindness of my family and friends.

I continued to enjoy the food after all the guests had gone. It was really one of the best days. Thanks to all who came and shared in the joy of these two soon-to-be-here little boys!
I LOVE your belly! And I am very sad that I didn't get to partake of the food that looks so delicious. Especially because it is 2 pm and I haven't had my lunch yet! :) I am still in a little bit of shock that you are having twins.
It was a great party. Which the rest of the family (from both sides) could have been there. And the food was delicious! Katie, thanks for having babies so we could have the fun baby shower! It was great seeing your mom again and meeting Nichole (sp?) Love ya.
I remember your baby shower for Marcus. I wish I could have come to this one too!
I love the profile picture of you - so cute! I'm so happy for you, sounds like everything is going wonderfully. Nice job momma!
I love yout tummy. YOu look great. It loooks like you had a great time. Is phase four your boys' arrival?
Sad I missed the shower! Are you coming down before the boys are born? It would be great to see you before the craziness begins!
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