As for the ultrasound, my boys are still healthy as can be. Both continue to be head down, just as they have been, and this bodes very well for the delivery I want (not a c-section) as long as they stay that way. My doctor is still not too concerned about position, because there is time left. Both boys are also measuring about a week ahead of schedule and are right on par with singleton babies at this point. In fact, my doctor said they were in the 70th percentile in terms of size. Go, boys!! Each is around 2 1/2 lbs now which means I currently have about 5 lbs of baby in me and still about 2 months to go. The doctor has said he will induce me at 38 weeks (the first week in Dec) but we're both beginning to think that these guys will make their appearance sometime in the second half of November. My doctor said that as long as they come after 35 weeks, he won't try and stop them. I'm still hoping for at least 37 weeks though--the longer the better.
Oh, and the gestational diabetes test looks like it turned out well. Thank goodness for that.
I am finally the first one to comment on here! I love that your boys are so big already. I can't wait to meet them (but I definitely want to wait about 2 more months)! Speaking of meeting them, this is what I am thinking for coming up, if they come earlier, this is definitely subject to change:
I will leave after work around 3:30pm on Tuesday Dec. 16 and if the weather is good drive all the way through. Then I will stay with you guys for the rest of that week and weekend and then I will just stay up there for Christmas. I can use a few days sick time to help lengthen out my stay. My boss even ok'd it! :) How does that sound?
I have been meaning to call you for so long, but I keep forgetting until about 10:30 at night or 6 in the morning! Not the best times to be calling.
I am so glad to hear that things are progressing well. It will be fun to hear more as time goes by...thanks for putting on the update. I can't wait to see pcitures of these two! I am also glas to hear that the tests came out good! Keep up the great work!
How exciting! And you're right, the longer the better that they're in there but really any time after 35weeks for twins is great! But of course 37 and 38 is better for them. We've had a couple sets of twins this past month at work and they were both 31 & 32 weeks and only had to stay in the NICU for ~a month which is pretty good considering that would really only put them at ~35 weeks. But I'm not trying to worry you or anything, these mommies weren't so good at taking care of their bodies i.e. smokers and such. It's so fun to hear about the boys progress! It sounds like they are going to be a healthy bunch!!
Wahoo! Good to hear everything is going great for you and the twiners. Keep up the good work. :)
Thanks for the update, and I am so pleased everything is going so well for you. I am so happy for you Katie!
P.S. I've been waiting patiently for another book review/update from my favorite reader. Keeping my fingers crossed and hoping one is coming soon!
yay! get ready cause you life will change super duper fast! enjoy being pregnant-even though it totally sucks!
and by the way... if you do have to have a c-section, i LOVED both of mine. its really not as bad as people say it is. i would personally rather have it cut out of me than push a huge baby out... or in your case, 2. but hey, thats just me!
I'm glad everything's going well still, and I hope everything goes like you want it to. I still have bad dreams about myself having twins, but seeing you go through it makes me think it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. But I'm still glad it's you.
p.s. I'm still waiting for your analysis of that book.
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