I made this quilt!!! Now that I have said that, let me tell you how this seemingly impossible event took place. I think most of you know that I am the Laurel advisor in my ward. Last spring, we were challenged by the powers that be--the Young Women General Presidency--to make quilts that could be donated to Humanitarian Aid. I believe this challenge was extended to several stakes in our area. Needless to say, we accepted the challenge (leaders included) and we spent the summer making our quilts. It was quite stressful at times to get teenage girls excited about quilting, but we somehow managed it and on October 18 a member of the YW General Presidency is going to come speak to us and the New Era is going to come and take pictures--exciting!! I'm so proud of my girls for sticking to this project.
My mother-in-law helped me make my quilt top and taught me a lot about sewing in the process. Then a sister in the ward let me use her quilting machine to make the beautiful swirly pattern on the quilt (this meant I didn't need to tie it). It was a super cool machine. The entire process helped me feel much more comfortable around my sewing machine and this Saturday I am going to tackle a valance, crib skirts, and bumper pads for the two cribs.
We were asked to make a quilt that would be difficult to give away. I really tried to honor this challenge and I feel very happy with the result. I'm not sure where this quilt will go, but I hope it will be cheery and warm for the person who receives it.

Katie that is so awesome!! The quilt is really pretty and cool looking. Congrats!! You look beautiful by the way!
I am so impressed with you! I love the swirly pattern on the top. So cute. You are one amazing quilter. Now I will expect quilts for my wedding and births of children! :)
Great quilting job, Katie. I absolutely LOVE the bright colors of your quilt. You can't help but feel happy when you see it and I'm sure it's even more so when you're wrapped up in it!! That's such a great project to do with the YW!!
You quilt looks amazing! I love it. Whoever ends up with it will love it I am sure. It such fun colors and makes you smile!
That is a great quilt, I love it. You did a great job!
You did a wonderful job, Katie. Congratulations!! That is a great humanitarian project that will keep giving for a long time.
Amazing! What an awesome challenge. I'm so proud of you. The mothers in your ward must be so glad that you are influencing their daughters.
Wow, I can't believe that you're giving away something you spent so much time on. What a great activity for the youth to learn about service.
Wow, I would have a hard time giving that one up. Great job! I'm taking sewing lessons from a friend and loving it - can't wait to tackle a project like that!
Well, done!
Tag, You're it.
I know I'm a bit redundant, but I just have to say that I too am impressed, especially since I've been working on a much smaller quilt for almost three years now. Anway, it's lovely!
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