On Tuesday, I got to see my baby boys again (I am really liking this ultrasound at every visit routine). I'm pleased to report that everyone is still healthy and growing just as they should be. The baby on my left is still head down and snug in my pelvis, while the guy on my right continues to enjoy hanging out around my ribs. There are many times when I can tell just who is wiggling around, though when it occurs at my belly button, it could go either way. We aren't really worried about their positions right now, just growth, and that is all as it should be. Each boy is around 1 1/2 pounds right now and I've gained about 30 pounds so far (I'm 25 weeks).

This is the guy on my left. Imagine that he is facing towards the top of the picture. His little mouth is open and to the left of his mouth, you can see his little nose with his cute baby nostrils. To me, it already looks like he has chubby cheeks.

This is my boy on the right. He is facing us, so if you look closely you'll be able to see eyes, a nose, a mouth, and some more chubby cheeks. I didn't ask the doctor if that appendage above him was an arm or a leg (really, they are so flexible that it could go either way) so your guess is as good as mine.
Our Marvelous Multiples class is cruising right along and suddenly we find that we only have one class left (there are four total). Last night, we went on a tour of the NICU and the labor and delivery and recovery floors of the hospital. My favorite part was the nursery. There were about 7-8 babies in there and as soon as I saw them I got a little teary and emotional. I just feel so happy about these two little boys and I can't wait to see and hold them and tell them about how long I've waited for them and how happy I am that they're finally here.
Even after having children of my own and seeing their ultra sounds, I still can't see the babies! You will have to show me the next time I see you. Glad you and the babies are doing well. I can't wait to see Marcus as a big brother. Love you.
Haha. I'm kinda with Ann on this one. I'm having a really hard time seeing baby #1, but MAN, that is one CLEAR picture of baby #2. I can't believe how many details the 2D ultrasound was able to capture. Keep them coming, Katie - I LOVE following this! Hope you're feeling well!
That is awesome you get pics every time. I just want to pinch those little cheeks already. I'm really excited for you!
Hi Katie. Hopefully you remember me? It's Liz Sharon and we were in the same married student ward in Provo. I saw your link of Steff McGhie's blog and found you! Anyways you can check out my blog if you want! congratulations on expecting twins. That really is so exciting. Your little guy is really cute too. I'm glad you guys are doing well.
Amazing little guys aren't they! Thanks for sharing these! Glad that things are moving along as they should! We are looking forward to loving yet two more little people!!! Love the Grandbabies!!!
Amazing....I love seeing these. Thanks for sharing and letting me be a part of it!
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