Thursday, September 18, 2008

Tim's out of town, and I know this video will make him happy

Marcus has a pretty good little memory, so we thought we'd be especially religious parents and start teaching him the Articles of Faith. We decided we would do one each month and recite it before bed each night. He picked up on this one right away and it brings no end of happiness to Tim to hear him recite it. Tim's away on an audit this week, and the next, and the next (sigh) so I thought I'd put this video up for him to enjoy in distant Oregon. The rest of you can feel free to enjoy it as well :)


Ben, Aubrey, Alexis, Gabby & Haylie said...

That was too cute. I can't believe he has such a good memory. I guess you'd better watch what else you say in front of him.

Harlin Family said...

That is so cute. What a polite little guy with good manners. I love his "thank you" at the end.

Mary said...

Mark loves saying this "with" Marcus. Glad you videoed it so Mark could enjoy too.

Unknown said...

haha that's freakin cute

Lisa said...

So cute! I'm impressed. We haven't even thought of trying to teach Heidi the Articles of Faith yet. That is a good idea.

Amanda said...

Wow, very impressive. What a smart guy. He looks so huge. Can't wait to see you guys someday and your new babies too.

happytew said...

Excellent Excellent Excellent!!! What a cute and smart little grandson is he!! Give him a great big hug from Grandpa and tell him I love him!

Mo said...

Oh, my. I'm bursting with pride and he's not even my child.