Thursday, December 13, 2007

Because we haven't had a video in awhile . . .

Untitled from kmt63 on Vimeo.

That whooshing sound in the background is my dishwasher. Anyone can feel free to buy me a new silent one for Christmas :)


Tammy said...

How aweseome that you are his Best Friend. What a great answer, that shows how great of a mom you are. Cute video!

Miss Megan said...

The best thing about gingerbread houses is eating them for weeks after you make them. Especially for breakfast! P.S. Your dishwasher sounds like an industrial strength washing machine!

alecia said...

That is fantastic. How awesome that he is saying his own name. I need to start eating candy in the morning, I think that I will be happier!

Lisa said...

That is the best! You're a nicer mommy than me...We have a gingerbread house, but I don't let Heidi pick stuff off of it until after lunch. :) Also, my dishwasher is just as loud as yours. If we're in the kitchen while it's running, we have to talk louder so we can hear each other. Awesome.

Brian Adair Fam said...

Paige watched the video with me and she was so into it. After Marcus finished his 1st cracker, she turned to me and asked, "What's he goin' to eat next, Mommy?!?" All with a look of excitement on her face! :0) Your dishwasher sounds just like ours did in OH...when we actually HAD a dishwasher! :0)