Over the past few days I've had the opportunity to babysit two cute little boys on two separate occasions. "So what?" you say. Well, let me elaborate. One boy lives down the street and is a newborn. The other boy is Kristy's and is a newborn. Are you following? I got to be the first non-family member babysitter!! I had a wonderful time holding the sleeping little adorable precious babies until their mom's came to take them away and I got to bask in the glow of knowing that I was the chosen one--the trusted one.
But the best part? My name gets to go on that line next to "First Babysitter" in their baby books, so that someday when they are looking through their book they can say, "Katie Richey? Who's that?"
How is your Pilippa Gregory book? I have all of those Tudor chronicles, but haven't so much as cracked the cover on any of them. Sad! But they are on my reading list for 2008! Let me know...
I wish that you lived near us. I would let you take our baby girl anytime you wanted. I would love it!
I love that you get excited to be the first baby sitter. I can't wait to say that in the near future. A friend is due on the in a few days and has said that I will be the first babysitter for her newest son. I can't wait!
Megan: I'll e-mail you to let you know what I think, I'm 2/3 of the way through.
Melissa: Oh, that would be so fun!! Kristy and I check your blog all the time. Adeline is the cutest! (Next to sweet baby boy Ethan--Kristy's boy, of course).
Tammy: It's fun. You hold them and love them and then you give them back to their moms to do the not so fun stuff :)
Katie...wow, you took me back a couple of years, when you and Tim together where the first babysitter of our little man CJ...back in Provo. I was so nervous to leave him when he was just a couple of weeks old. But, you did a fabulous job and so I guess we started something back then! You are just good, what can we say?
I am not surprised that you are such a trusted babysitter...you are a wonderful mom!
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