Here we are at the end of our 5k (3.1 mile) walk.
As you can see, it was a gorgeous fall day.
Note: We all totally rock.
As you can see, it was a gorgeous fall day.
Note: We all totally rock.
Here we are at the starting line waiting for our countdown.
Note: Yes, my mom is attending BYU Law School.
Double Note: Yes, we are extremely proud of her :)
Note: Yes, my mom is attending BYU Law School.
Double Note: Yes, we are extremely proud of her :)
This picture gives you an idea of how many women there were.
It was awesome!!
Note: I'm the larger woman walking next to skinny Alecia. grrr.
It was awesome!!
Note: I'm the larger woman walking next to skinny Alecia. grrr.
Marcus was our token male once again. Here are two pictures to show you all just how much he's changed in one year. I, on the other hand, look exactly the same aside from the fact that my hair is pulled back in one picture and not in the other. Yes, that is the exact same sweatshirt. I have had it for many many years (about the same length of time that I've been able to describe myself as a starving student.)
Note: Coincidence? I don't think so.
That's cool, Katie. I ran/walked in Race for the Cure in Salt Lake about five years ago. I loved it. It looks like you had fun with your family. Are you going to make it an on-going tradition--not to have fun with your family, but to do the walk? :)
Ok, first of all, I am not really as skinny as you think I am it was all a trick of the camera!! And second, it was so much fun. Even if Marcus was a little bit whiney! :) He was still the cutest guy there. Maybe next year Tim and Marcus can wait for us on Tuxedo Row!! I can just picture Marcus in a cute little tux! Ahhhh....But then again, he will need to go on the walk with us. So maybe in a couple of years, he can be on Tuxedo Row.
Adrianne: Yep, we definitely want to make the walk a tradition. Even if we didn't end up in Boise, I think it'd still be great to come visit the fam in Nampa and walk. Happy Anniversary!!
Ann: Only got the message once. Yes, it would be great if we stuck around here. We just want a job :)
Alecia: Yes, you ARE really that skinny. How's J? Maybe Marcus can wear a tuxedo to a different function. He was really whiney this weekend. sigh. Last night I took him to Enrichment (Tim has night class) and he cried for an hour in the nursery before they brought him to me. He's going through some attachment/separation anxiety thing right now. double sigh.
Katie, I can feel the fall air in those pics! Way to capture the moment! Good luck with the seperation anxiety thing, Ethan is just starting to do it and Savanah seems to be going into round 2 of it.
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