Sunday, April 07, 2013

Spring Break!!

This picture makes me wonder if we should start saving money for Zach's therapy bills down the road. I can already see him resting on a couch saying something like, "Well, I think it all started with my older brothers. They were twins, you see . . ."

We had a really fun Spring Break. It helped that the weather was so nice, so we could spend a lot of time outdoors. I tried to do one fun thing every day that took us out of the house. Here is what we did:
went to the library
went on a walk by the river (and threw lots of rocks into the river)
went to Planet Kid with the Christmas gift card from our totally awesome neighbors
had lunch at Costco with Dad
saw Finding Nemo in 3d at the dollar theater (sidenote: Marcus didn't wear the glasses and I spent half the movie in the hallway with Zach--good thing it was the dollar theater!)
visited Celebration Park about an hour outside Boise to see the petroglyphs
One day, Marcus got invited to a friend's house for a playdate so that was nice. 

While I like to think that my motives to do these fun activities were totally noble, I must confess that it was also done to prevent Marcus from playing Wii all day, every day. I have also found that just one activity that takes us out of the home for an hour or two breaks up the day perfectly and prevents too much fighting and bickering. Yay!


Kara said...

yeah. we did good, too, to plan one activity a day just to break it all up. our break was 2 weeks. too long!!!!!

ann said...

What wonderful memories your are giving your children.

Amber Sibbett said...

lol! That pic is awesome! We need to start play dates again now that Bradyn is healthy...sort of! ;) Next week? I'll text or call you!