Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Tree pruning

 We've lived in our house for 6 years, now (holy cow!) and for the past few years we've been talking about how we needed to prune our 6 trees. They were sgraggly, overgrown, and our neighbors probably thought we were the worst. But when my Mom once mentioned how much she thought it would cost to get the trees pruned, we quietly threw up in our mouths and didn't pursue the whole pruning thing. Until this year! I talked to a few neighbors who had trees that had been pruned in such a way that made me think, "Wow, those are some lovely trees," and I called those companies and got some quotes and chose one that I felt was reasonable. Lucky for us, they came to prune our trees during Spring Break, so all the boys could watch and be amazed. I was also amazed. Too bad Tim had to go to work, but I guess someone needs to be responsible. It's okay, though, because I took pictures :)
 I mean, look! Look how high that guy is. He just climbed right up there--and he is holding a chainsaw! Here's a tip: make sure your pruning service is insured.

The boys had a really cool vantage point for all that chainsaw, crazy tree-climbing action. These pictures makes me realize how trashy my backyard is. Tim was lamenting his poor lawn a few days ago because there were lots of piles of dirt and rocks and other random things and I just said something like, "They are playing outside a lot more in this nice weather and they are having so much fun. Let's just let them play and have a fancy nice backyard later." 

Sometimes I can be so wise and zen.

When your kids play outside in your trashy backyard for hours, it is easy to be wise and zen.

1 comment:

ann said...

Lucky boys to be able to watch with awe & have fun in their backyard :)

We need to get our trees pruned but won't be able to until next year...thanks for the finacial tips!
I will talk with you next yr for your referrals.