Saturday, April 06, 2013

The girl who lived in my house before me planted lots and lots of daffodil bulbs one cold fall day. Every spring when they bloom in all their yellow, happy, glory I wish I could send her a thank you card to tell her how much I love them and how grateful I am for her hard work that day long ago. In the spring, my house is the yellow flower house with the daffodils all blooming and now the forysthia bush, too, that I planted 4 years ago. There are so many daffodils that I can go out and cut big bunches to bring into my house or to give to friends and family and it looks like nothing has been taken. 

I love to have fresh flowers in house. Love it.

Happy Spring, everyone! 

1 comment:

ann said...

Thanks for sharing your flowers with us, Katie, they are very pretty.