Thursday, January 03, 2013

Life was swell in two thousand twel . . . . ve

Nothing rhymes with twelve, but here are some swell things that did happen to us during that year.

1. Baby ZACHY!!!
2. Summer vacation to McCall, Idaho. Beautiful, relaxing, fun.
3. Babies, babies, babies. And all boys. Noah in June and Brantly and Michael in September. Love.
4. Celebrated 10 years of marriage. Finally got my wedding/anniversary band :) Love the new bling.
5. Marcus started soccer and enjoyed every moment except the moment when the ball hit him in the nose :(
6. Dinner and the broadway musical Les Miserables with Kimberlie and Taylor.
7. Tim got a new job, a new car, and a trip to California with his mancation buddies.
8. I got a new kitchen.
9. Marcus started piano.
10. I ran 2 5k's. (and didn't die or throw up)

Looking forward to 2013.

1 comment:

ann said...

Thanks for letting me be part of some of your wonderful 2012 moments--like surviving my 1st 5k :) !!!