Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Here is our 2012 Christmas card because there are more of you than there is money for postage! :) If you didn't receive a lovely bit of Christmas goodness in the mail from us this year, than I apologize and seek to make it up to you with this little inside scoop: Ready? Drum roll, please. Tim wrote the card this year! 

Have you ever wondered what happened to the Avengers after they were done with all that avenging? Well, wonder no more!

Thor began a new job working for Peterson Motors as their Accounting Specialist.  Petersons is the largest car dealership in Boise and Thor is excited to use those cars to his advantage when he gets tired of using his awesome hammer to fly around.  He is still serving as the Elders Quorum president in the ward, although the bishop did make him cut his hair and shave.

Black Widow decided to give up her spying and all around butt-kicking to be a stay at home mom.  She will tell you that raising 4 boys is much harder than fighting off a thousand aliens.  She got a new calling in the ward as the Assistant Compassionate Service Leader.  She misses her young women but is excited to have her Wednesday nights back.  She is also the vice-president of the PTO at Captain America’s school.  Both the ward and the school are happy to have a super hero on board.

Captain America started 2nd grade, but his 1st grade teacher recommended him for a special 2nd/3rd grade combo class.  His class is split half and half between 2nd and 3rd graders and he loves it.  He also loves his teacher which is great because he will be in the same class next year.  The Captain loves everything about school, but mostly PE and recess.  He is a little bummed that the school’s anti-weapon policy doesn’t allow him to take his shield to school, but he always keeps it close at hand just in case.

Hulk loves being the Hulk.  This of course involves running around, jumping off couches, wrestling with the other super heroes in the house, and talking unintelligibly.  We’re still working on that last one though.  When the Hulk is his normal self, he loves following Captain America and doing whatever he is doing as well as playing with Iron Man and trying to make Hawkeye laugh.

Iron Man still has the coolest hair in the house.  As if being a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist wasn’t enough, he has awesome hair to go with it.  Iron Man and Hulk are best friends with Iron Man serving as Hulk’s interpreter on occasions.  He may be the 2nd smallest in the house, but Iron Man eats more than all the other Avengers put together.   Maybe someday his size will catch up with his eating ability.

Hawkeye put away the bow and arrows and decided to just focus on being adorable.  He does a pretty good job of that.  He has the biggest blue eyes in the world which Black Widow just loves.  The other Avengers do everything possible to get Hawkeye to smile and laugh because we all love his laugh.  He is starting to eat regular foods and has shown a particular affinity for anything sweet.

We all hope you have a very Merry Christmas.
With all our love,
 Thor (Tim)  Black Widow (Katie)  Captain America (Marcus)  Hulk (Owen)  Iron Man (Eli)  Hawkeye (Zach) 


Kim A. Hodges said...

I will always remember trying to get little Iron Man to smile when taking that photo and having him flat out say, "I don't want to." LOL. So cute!!! Tim did a great job on the letter - so creative! I guess that is what you get with a houseful of boys, right? :)

Shandra said...

Love! Tim is awesome! Best Christmas card ever!