Monday, December 17, 2012

Jingle Bells

Jingle Bells 2012 from kmt63 on Vimeo.

The first video is from Marcus's Christmas piano recital last night. It was his very first official recital and we are so proud of him. His teacher asked that each student stand in front of the piano and say their name and share one thing they want for Christmas this year. Marcus's default answer is always "remote control car." Always. Any year.

The second video is from a little cousin Christmas recital we had at the beginning of the month. Marcus is playing a duet with my cousin, Margaret, who also teaches piano. Two of her girls played songs for us, Marcus played, and Margaret and Rachelle sang a duet. Then we all sang come fun Christmas songs together. It was really nice and I'm hoping we can make it a new tradition.



k said...

Isn't it so much fun seeing your kids develop their talents? Alayna played Jingle Bells for her Christmas recital this year, too! Way to go, Marcus!

Elder Richey said...

I love it! I was a bit surprised to see pageant/stage mom qualities buried inside myself, though. :)

Unknown said...

oh my goodness!!!!! This makes me smile so big :) So much fun to watch his recital. Good job marcus!