Tonight we went to Bryon and Ann's ward Christmas dinner. She told me that Santa was going to be there and when I told Eli, he got really excited. He asked me if it was the real Santa and when I said yes, he quickly added, "Real with legs? Like me? He can walk? Like this?" and he proceeded to walk. I knew he was wondering if the Santa that would be at the party would be one of those blow-up Santas we see on our weekly Christmas lights drives and not a real person. "Yes," I answered, "He can walk just like you." Owen is silly and is so often just along for the ride, so when he saw that Eli was excited, he got excited too. Marcus did not get to see Santa because he was being an obnoxious second grader and saying things like, "He's not the real Santa" (he still believes in Santa but he does not believe that Santa attends Ward Christmas dinners). Anyway, he was ruining the magic for the little ones, so I sent him back to help his dad clean up the post dinner gym. Owen and Eli got the "deer-in-the-headlights" look as soon as they were within range of Santa. KayLyn and I picked them up and put them on Santa's lap where they stayed, but there was no reaction and no smiling as we snapped a few pictures. It was actually pretty hilarious and not at all unexpected. I'm just happy they didn't cry or revolt at the last minute.
In short, they were super excited to meet Santa even though you absolutely cannot tell how excited they are by this picture. I'm thinking they would make really good poker players. Maybe we should head down to Las Vegas over Christmas break . . .
I didn't know Santa was coming to our ward party, so I didn't have my camera on me. :( Mommy was sad.
I seeing Christmas thru the eyes of little children! It was fun having you come to our party. Looking forward to attending yours next week. Love you :)
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