Monday, July 15, 2013

My Marcus got baptized

Tim told Marcus to ask his Grandpas to be the witnesses. Marcus asked each one to be a "waitress" at his baptism.

My wonderful cousin, Rachelle, was the photographer for our big event. I especially love this one she took of me and my mom with Marcus.
My Marcus got baptized on July 6 and it was a very happy day for our family. My whole family came to support him and most of Tim's family was able to come as well. The baptism was held at 5:00 and it was a Stake baptism, so he shared this special day with two other children. A few things to remember from that day:
His favorite primary song is "Do as I'm doing"
His favorite scripture story is Alma the Younger because "Alma was bad but then an angel came and Alma went to sleep and when he woke up he was good."
We gave Marcus his very own scriptures with his name on the front. My cousin, Kolby Durrant, made him a beautiful leather scripture case with a picture of John the Baptist baptizing Jesus on the front and Helaman and the 2000 Stripling Warriors on the back. On the spine it says his name and the date of his baptism.
We had a BIG party after the baptism and ate yummy food and a big cake. We had a great fireworks show, too. Marcus was really happy and had so much fun.

And yes, I cried.


Kara said...

WONDERFUL! NExt year, same time will be our first's turn :) Can't wait. Mormon events are a little different outside Utah/Idaho, but I'm sure it'll be special for her.

alecia said...

I was amazed at how quickly 8 years flies by. I still remember Marcus' blessing and how nervous Tim was to make sure that he did it right! :)

ann said...

We are so proud of Marcus...he is such a wonderful young man!!