Wednesday, November 07, 2012

9 months

Zachy and Grandpa Buhler
Well, he's officially been out longer than he was in. 9 months old! I love this little pumpkin. Here are his likes, dislikes and what he's up to now.
eating finger foods (graham crackers, pretzel rods, mum mums, puffs, cheerios, mandarin oranges, bread, peas).
nursing and snuggling
eating baby food (sweet potatoes, squash, applesauce, pears, oatmeal)
walks in the stroller
being carried around in the baby bjorn (I never take the car seat out of the car anymore--just him)
his thumb
his thumb
his thumb
the jumperoo
his walker
rolling around on the floor
being tickled
being tossed around (in the safest sense of the word) the kid likes G forces :)
Lucy the cat
watching the brothers do crazy things and make crazy sounds and sing crazy songs
being held
his thumb
making a screeching happy noise

being hungry
being alone in a room (unless he's sleeping) the kid is a social fellow
being too crowded by his brothers
seeing Mom, but not being picked up by Mom
smiling for people not in his immediate family (he has a reputation for being a stone face/solemn child which couldn't be further from the truth--he's very smiley with us but not so much for others).

Happy ninth month, sweet boy!

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