Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Grandpa's elephant noise

Untitled from kmt63 on Vimeo.

Grandma and Grandpa came for a visit this last weekend and it was a lot of fun. We watched truck movies, went to McDonalds, played with our Christmas toys, and wrestled. One highlight was when my dad showed the boys his elephant noise. I loved it when he'd do this noise when I was little and it's still fun except that now we don't have him do it too much because we're afraid he might pop a blood vessel or something. Because it's a rare treat, I caught it on camera so my boys (and now you lucky blog readers) can watch it anytime! :)


Anonymous said...

I am SO impressed! I had no idea my little brother could do that! :) :) By the way, Eli's haircut is SO cute. Beautiful boys, Katie.

Tammy said...

How great is that! I love it. Great memories made and documented! Your boys are adorable!

ann said...

cute picture and memories