Thursday, February 05, 2009

Another week gone

Wow, the days may seem to drag at times, but the weeks seem to fly by. The boys got their shots this week and that went well. Tim came with me and we left Marcus with a friend because we don't need to add to his reasons for why the doctor is not a happy place. Luckily, the babes have short memories, so they already have forgotten that it was this same place where they were circumcised and poked and prodded earlier--now shots. If they had the same memory Marcus has, we'd be in huge amounts of trouble.

Anyway, Eli is still our smaller guy weighing in at the grand total of 11 lbs and Owen is coming in at 12 1/2 lbs. So they both continue to grow well on their own little growth curves. The doctor was pleased with them. Sadly, though, both boys have yeast infections in their diaper area (luckily, no sign of thrush) so we're doing a cream with each changing and things are looking much more pleasant.

As for personality updates, we took the boys with us to out Super Bowl party and I dressed them up in matching football outfits for the occasion (thank you, Beck family!). Tim had a fun time snuggling his football babes whilst watching a 47 inch flat screen. I only noticed him drooling once or twice :) Once upon a time, we were going to buy a cool tv, but then I found out I was having twins and that plan was shelved for another time--sorry, Tim. Really though, I think he got the better deal there (except for maybe during the middle of the night, then it is up for debate). Anyway, the boys are becoming much more sociable and this is both a pro and a con because they like to see Mom AT ALL TIMES. I'll put them in their bouncer or swing while I'm doing something and they just stare at me. It feels really nice to know that they know who I am and that we are all so special and important to one another. The boys also love Marcus. They enjoy watching him and sometimes it seems like they are just itching to get big enough to play with him. He continues to be such a nice big brother. I only have to say "gentle" about a million times a day :) Owen is still quite generous with his smiles and Eli gives them only when they are really earned. However, Eli does enjoy talking to us. He has the more expressive face of the two and I think this is largely due to his eyebrows. He can do amazing things with those eyebrows.

People ask me how I'm doing and it really is just a moment to moment thing. Yes, there have been tears and yes, I have shut myself in my bathroom from time to time, but I have also felt such incredible joy when I look at them or when I see Tim rocking them to sleep. It is hard. That is true. But it is so worth it. I'm so grateful for them and the blessing that they are, even on the bad days.


Lexi said...

Parker has the same outfit! Man your babies are cute. I like hearing about how their little personalities are emerging already.

Cormorant said...

It's so fun to hear how things are going. Keep it up! I love the little booties on their outfit. They are adorable!

Ben, Aubrey, Alexis, Gabby & Haylie said...

In that picture with tim, the baby on the left (I"m guessing Owen) looks just like marcus. I love your updates. Sometimes on those bad days I feel like Dori from Nemo "Just keep swimming." It's all you can do.

AmyJane said...

Oh, they really are too cute! And hey, you lock yourself in the bathroom anytime you want to. I do it all the time and I only have two kids, none of whom are even close to the same age. Every time I look at pictures of them I panic a little just realizing that There Are Two Of Them. So cute, but definately a lot of work for mom and dad, I'm sure.

ann said...

Very cute in their football outfit...I can't wait to see them again next close yet so far away!

Katielin317 said...

Darn it , Katie, you made me cry. I love that you love your boys so much...all 4 of them. can't wait to meet them someday.

happytew said...

You're doing GREAT!!!