Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Because she knows

Last week a woman in my ward brought me two dinners and two desserts. One for that night and one for the freezer. Check 0ut this yummy dessert she brought us! I'm not even going to tell you how long it lasted in our house (not long). She has nine-year-old twins, so she knows that sometimes the best way to cope is through sugar. Lots and lots of sweet yummy sugar.


Unknown said...

That looks fantastic! I don't have a clue what it is, but I want some. All that chocolate on top makes me drool.

Jenny said...

I love the person who did that for you. What a fabulous idea. What kind of candy bar is on top of the dessert? It would last about 15 minutes or less at my house if we didn't share with the kids.

Brandon, Kandra, Sydnee, Dawson and Emery Plott said...

I love this picture and that looks so so yummy!! I want one!! Marcus looks so handsome and so cute in this picture. I bet he loved it!!

Cormorant said...

Geeze, that looks yummy!

Elder Richey said...

Jen: I think it was a Hershey bar with almonds and/or toffee. Very good.

BSU fam said...

I also love this person and this cake. I believe it is "Better then sex" kind of cake. She's brought it to a funeral before and we all stood in the kitchen licking the pan! And maybe with twins the cake IS better then sex. :)

ann said...

Great picture of Marcus. thanks for sharing.

Tammy said...

The cake looks yummy but that face takes the cake. He is so funny!

Kris said...

I love his smile!!