I have lots to post about but my motivation levels have been at an all time low lately (gee, I wonder why) and so I thought I'd just give an update on the boys for now since I haven't done that in a few weeks--oh, and I'll post another belly shot soon--I'm getting big BIg BIG!
I went to the doctor on Thursday (32 weeks) and we had our usual ultrasound. Everything is still looking good--both boys are healthy, but their weights are starting to really diverge which left my doctor wanting to check on them more regularly. Baby boy 1 (Owen) is about 4 lbs and Baby boy 2 (Eli) is 5 lbs. Just to clarify, I am currently carrying about 9 lbs of baby in me! Marcus only weighed in at 7.8 lbs at time of delivery (38 weeks). My Dr. assured me that both boys are still looking very healthy and normal, but because Owen is smaller than his brother, he wants me to come in once a week to be hooked up to the monitors for an hour so that they can check fetal movement and fluid levels. Also, I will now be having an ultrasound every two weeks. Of course, all of this has made me a little tense especially considering how uneventful this pregnancy has been so far, but I am trying to remain positive. My first monitoring session is this Wed. so I'll let you all know how it goes. On the bright side, if they are different sizes we shouldn't have any trouble telling them apart :)
My doctor told me again that he would really like to see me get to 35 weeks. He said that if I started to go into labor before that time, he would try and stop me. Ideally, he wants me to get to 38 weeks which is when he said he would induce me. So just to break it down for you, folks that means that since I will be 33 weeks on Wed, I could potentially have these babies in 2 weeks. And if not then, I could potentially have them in 5 weeks, in other words, baby boys will be assuming residence in our household in 2-5 weeks. I find this news slightly stressful. Yes, there have been more crying spells of late, I am just such a mixture of every emotion possible.
Also, it doesn't really help my emotional status that I now feel as though the pregnancy truck has officially hit me. I was feeling pretty good up until around 29 weeks or so and then it just really became impossible for me to do much of anything. I can only walk very very short distances and I don't sleep very well. Also, I now skip Sunday school because the chairs make me want to scream in pain (I bring a pillow to sit on and it still hurts). People continue to tell me that I look good, and I appreciate their comments, but every part of me just hurts. There is this especially sore spot on the left side of my belly because Owen insists on leaning on that particular spot as often as possible. I feel like that particular patch of skin has been stretched to the max. And my back hurts.
I know that the arrival of the babies will bring with it a different set of challenges, but I am so excited to be able to bend over again and to be able to stand up from a sitting position without having to use something as leverage to heave my body out of the chair.
Nothing like the simple joy of picking up something that you dropped.
Oh I wish I lived closer so I could come and rub your feet or do your dishes. Something to help you out. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I love the names you picked out! I can't wait to meet them.
Don't know if it will help your nerves at all but this extra monitoring is pretty typical with twins. And just so you know, whatever we can do, we're there for you! We love you guys and are excited to meet the little guys after they arrive.
I feel your pain. But I'm sure it's way more uncomfortable with two little guys in there! I can't wait to be able to breathe again. I can hardly make it up a flight of stairs without breathing like I just ran a marathon.
Oh, Katie!! I'm so happy to hear a "twin" update, but oh I don't envy your pain! I can't even imagine how it would feel having two little babies wrestling around inside! You are an amazing woman, though, and I love your attitude. I wish we were closer to you guys so I could help out any way I could!! You and your sweet family are in our prayers. I can't wait to meet little Owen and Eli!!! (Love the names, btw!!)
It seems like you have to go through torture right at the end of pregnancy so that newborn(s) will seem like a breeze in comparison. It made me want to cry when I read about how uncomfortable you are. So anytime you need to cry, call me and I'll probably cry with you.
I love hearing your updates but I am sorry you are in so much pain and that your body just do what you want it to! I can't wait to see pictures and I too love the names. I can't believe you will be having the babies in just a few weeks or so! Time flies (for the unpregnant one). Good luck and pamper yourself as much as you can- you deserve it!
I am so excited for your little family. Love ya lots and hope to see you soon.
Hang in there girlfriend! I feel your pain, I really do. You can make it, and it will be so worth it in the end! Is Marcus getting excited?
It was so good to spend time with you this past weekend. I too wish I didn't have to work so I could help out more. But KayLyn is looking forward to staying with you next week. Also, remember that I weighed 4 lbs and my twin weighed just under 5 lbs when we were born 4 wks early...so I am sure the babies will be born healthy & strong. Love you lots!!!
Gosh, reading that just gets me so excited for you! It's really here! The pregancy truck has even hit you! I know that part is pretty miserable, especially with two boys wiggling around, but that means it's oh so close. We've been missing ya as we've had a couple showers down here. Hope we get to see the boys soon...
Good luck with the last few weeks Katie! I'm so excited for you. I love the names you chose, especially Eli!
Good luck with the next few weeks. I can't believe it's SO soon! You're almost there...
Hello my sweet daughter Katie!! You're doing great, and everything will be fine! It won't be long now! It's going to be a great day when they are both here! We love you so!
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