We carved pumpkins for Family Night. Marcus gave the lesson he learned in Nursery about how pumpkins grow. We actually grew these in our own garden this year--a Richey family first that we intend on making a tradition. Fun fun.

Our Incredible Hulk. I got this costume at the Kid 2 Kid sale back in September. I bought it because I thought the little muscles and six-pack were hilarious. Because after all, isn't one of the purpose of having kids so that you can laugh at their silly Halloween costumes?

My boys. The Halloween bag was actually made by Ann and used by Tim when he was a little boy.

Last weekend Alecia, Kimberlie, and Tyler (in-laws and nephew) came to visit. It was so wonderful to spend some time with them, and Kimberlie brought up a ton of 0-3 month baby clothes--so kind! We attended Bryon and Ann's Trunk-or-Treat on Saturday night. It was a lot of fun and a good experience for Marcus who really wasn't quite sure that Halloween was a good idea (he screamed bloody murder when we put his costume on).

Grandma's spooky trunk.

Cute Elmo. Marcus and Tyler had so much fun together. I'm glad that they are able to start playing together now. It's funny though how Marcus expects Tyler to understand everything he's telling him--he doesn't realize that he is still quite young (around 19 months). I also got a glimpse of how Marcus might be with his brothers: "This is mine and this is mine and this is mine."

La belly at 33 weeks. A quick update on Wed's monitoring. The fluid levels are good, both boys are head down. I had her check the sore spot and it is Owen's lovely little back and spine pushed up against me, so no cause for concern. I had what is called a Non-Stess Test that lasted about 20 minutes. Basically they put these belts on you that listen to the babies' heartbeats (I could hear them in the room) and they check to make sure the heartbeats are strong, regular, and reactive--meaning that they flucutate a bit like how ours would if someone surprised us--our heart rates would alter a bit. They also have a belt that monitors my contractions or lack thereof. I was experiencing very very mild contractions (I couldn't feel them) and they said that this was most likely an irritated uterus that is tired of being stretched to the max. No cause for concern either. I will continue to have fluids checked and a Non-stress test performed once a week for the rest of my pregnancy.
Dude, You look like I looked with only one kid inside me. I'm glad things are going so well.
It was fun having both our grandsons together for pre-Halloween fun. They are so cute!! Loved your pumpkins...I was never that talented. Also, I am glad you and the twins are doing good. I know you are counting down the days (weeks)...so am I...but just hang in there. We love you all!!!!
Fun Halloween pictures--and you look great!
Hang in there with the NSTs/AFIs. I had two NSTs a week (plus either an AFI or a biophysical profile) for the last six weeks of my pregnancy with Jonathan. Brutal. Those tests are not non-stress for the mom half the time!
I can't wait to see your sweet boys!
Katie, you look wonderful. I love pregnant bellies. Especially side profiles. Life is good!
Marcus looks grat as the Hulk. What a fun costume. Glad to hear the update on the babies and even happier to hear that things are well!
Marcus looks very cute and so does his mommy.
Loved the Hulk costume! And Katie, you're looking great!
What cute little trick-or-treaters! Glad to hear things are still going well with you and the boys!
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