At about the same time I announced the news to all of you blog readers, I also announced it at a Young Women combined activity. It was a graduation party and three of my Laurels were moving on to bigger and better things so I thought the timing was just right. I also knew that by telling my fellow leaders and all these talkative young women that the word of my pregnancy would undoubtedly spread like wildfire throughout the ward. I was not wrong.
Today at the park, a casual friend from the ward came up and congratulated me, then she went on to tell me that she had heard from at least 8 different people that Katie Richey is pregnant with twins. She isn't the first person to come up and say something to me, but she is the first to name from how many different people she's heard :)
One of my visiting teachers came by tonight with a little gift for me. I just got switched, so I don't know her too well, but judging from tonight's little gift, I think we're going to be good friends. Inside the gift bag was a carton of ice cream and a bottle of pickles.
Attached to the bag was this quote: "A grand adventure is about to begin." Winnie the Pooh
Attached to the pickles was this quote: "Life is tough enough without having someone kick you from the inside." Rita Rudner
And attached to the ice cream was, "Everything grows rounder and wider and weirder, and I sit here in the middle of it all and wonder who in the world you will turn out to be." Carrie Fisher
Good times.
That's a great gift!! I'll have to remember that one. I'm still smiling about your news!! We're so happy for you. I'm sure you'll be having a few chats with Grandma B. about being pregnant with twins!! :0)
OK that is seriously the cutest gift ever?! I love that it's the small and simple things that make life so much fun. Next time you are in town I must be sure to send you home with a jar of my homemade pickles. I don't like to brag or anything, but once you have homemade you will never eat another store bought pickle again. I hope you like dill!
That is so cute. I think it's even cuter that you can see Marcus' fingers on the edge of the counter, as if to say, hurry up with the picture because I want to eat some of that ice cream! That little guy has no idea how much fun he'll have with those babies! :)
That is a great idea - I'll have to keep that one in mind. Wow - just think of all the moving and kicking you'll be feeling! Good luck!
That is a very thoughtful gift...you have wonderful friends. Love you...and did Marcus like the ice cream?
What a great gift and can I just say again I am so excited for you! You are an amazing mom to Marcus! Thanks for the example!
Also I have changed my blog to invited readers only...I need to invite you but I need an email.Can you put it on the family blog so I can invite you!?
What a fun gift, I'll have to use that sometime. I hope you are feeling better!
hurrah for visiting teachers!
What I want to know is if you ate the combination.
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