Tuesday, June 03, 2008


This is me saying a huge "THANK YOU!!" to all of you for the kind comments that were left on my last post. It has been so great to read over your comments, and a few nights ago I told Tim, "I'm so grateful for my blog and all the friends and family I can stay in touch with because of it." You all just made me feel so great, and I plan on putting all your comments in the twins' baby books. They are already so loved.

I had my first visit with my new doctor yesterday, and I got to see the babies again. They are looking great and things are progressing smoothly. It looks like I'll get to have an ultrasound at each one of my visits because it is the best way to check heartbeats and other things--Yippee! They'll already have quite an album of photos before they even get here.

Thank you again for being so kind and wonderful. Your comments really made us feel special.


Kris said...

I am so excitted for you. It will be a fun and excitting time. Reading your entry made me cry. heres hoping that the sickness subsides soon. Love you lots.
ps. your yard looks great.

ann said...

You are loved...take care of yourself and don't hesitate to ask for help along the way...we are there for you :-)

Jackie said...

Katie, I was blog hopping and came across you guys. I am so glad, because we'd love to stay in touch with you and Tim. It sounds like you are doing great. Congratulations on your twins! We will be praying for you.

Jackie Legg

Jenny said...

Katie, make sure you include awesome pregnant photos of that tummy of yours!

Timid Tripper said...

I feel like I'm a bit late to the party, but I'm happy for you. And think how much more you'll appreciate twins after having to wait. ;)

Tammy said...

You look so beautiful in this picture. You have a "glow!" I love it! I can't wait to see more pictures!

AmyJane said...

So, I've been out of the blogloop for a week or so---SUCH exciting news! Jenny may possibly have dropped some early hints, cause she's Jenny, but let me just shout out a million congratulations now! I'm SO excited for you and your family!

Clay Laura CJ Preston and Aparri said...

Sorry for being late...but I too want to say a big and double CONGRATULATIONS!!! I honestly think that it takes an extra special woman to be a mother of twins and I think are just that woman! Now we know why you needed that extra span of time....preparation for having 3 children! Congratulations again! You will beat us to three!