I can't even express how long I have been waiting to post this news. Almost 2 years!!! But that time doesn't really capture everything I have felt and feel at this moment. I'm pregnant, but even more than that, I'm pregnant with twins!!! I am a little over 11 weeks along and finally feel comfortable sharing my news with everyone.
In February, I finally decided that I was ready to see a specialist. I found Dr. Slater at the Idaho Center for Reproductive Medicine and I met with her that same month. She is wonderful. I took various tests and was put on 100 mg of Clomid (a fertility drug). Poor Tim had to do some tests of his own, but he was a good sport :) Unfortunately and fortunately, all of our tests came back either negative or inconclusive, so we still aren't really sure what happened with my previous losses.
I began taking Clomid in March, but got a bit confused and only ended up taking half of my dose (50 mg) at first I was really disappointed, but now I see that this was probably a tender mercy :) imagine how many I may have had if I'd taken the full 100 mg! We were very lucky with Clomid and I got pregnant right away. As soon as we knew I was pregnant I began taking baby aspirin and a progesterone supplement every day.
Those first few weeks were scary because I had miscarried my others before 8 weeks, so we just kept saying, "Let's just get to 8 weeks." Now it is, "Let's just get to 12 weeks," and so forth. I've been able to have 4 ultrasounds already and it has been such a reassuring blessing to watch them grow and look more and more human. I got pretty emotional the first time we got to see their little heartbeats.
At my first ultrasound, the nurse practitioner thought she saw another sac, but when she tried to find it again, she couldn't so she said, "Well, it's probably just the one, but we'll see at your next ultrasound." That's when I began to feel that there were two babies. Sure enough, a week later, there they both were. We're still trying to believe that we will have three children by the end of this year. Tim jokes that we just wanted to catch up to all of our friends who have been married the same length of years, but who already have or will have three (Wilsons and Richards--he means you) :)
I "graduated" from seeing my specialist and will start seeing a regular Ob-Gyn this Monday. They sent me home with a card that they had all signed and told me to come back with the babies when they are born and to bring pictures for their big cork board wall of babies. That will be such a good day :)
All of these experiences-- the losses, the waiting, the frustration, and now the nervous excitement have brought me closer to my Heavenly Father. I have learned things about myself that I'm not sure I would have learned otherwise. I've learned more about faith and prayer and I've learned to try and have a grateful heart for the blessings I do currently enjoy. Prepare and hope for the future, but live and love and enjoy the present. Easier said than done as I've been sick sick sick and just long for a time when I don't feel so crappy. Oh, well.
So there you have it: Twins. Isn't that just so great?
holy crap katie!!!! congrats!!! im so happy for you. i had no idea that you had trouble getting pregnant. i had trouble the second time around as well. babies come when they are supposed to, thats all i have to say. awesome you are having twins. i think you'll have one boy and one girl. thats my guess. hope you are feeling great! take care. tell tim hello from us.
Oh boy, how exciting for you guys! Big congratulations! That's quite exciting to be having twins. I hope that all continues to go well for you. It's funny because I just read a post of another friend who also just announced that she's pregnant on her blog! Crazy coincidence! I'm very happy for you, congrats!
I'm so glad to see this post and that everything's going well. Except for how you're feeling :( I had a dream the other night that I had 6 babies and I called you and said 2 should be a piece of cake. So hopefully the last part of that dream comes true, but not the first part. Congrats again!
Well, if that isn't just the biggest and best news I've heard in a long while! Congratulations! Goodness! When are you due? Within the next year I think there will be at least six new great-grandkids in our extended family. Grandma and Grandpa's cup-o-posterity surely runneth over! I'm so happy for you!
This made me so happy I almost cried when I saw it. I am SO happy for you and can't believe that you are having twins!! If they are girls, how about naming them Collette and Morticia?... ;) Congrats!
Congrats! I'm sorry that you have been so sick. If you need something, or need someone to come play ball with Marcus, let me know. Marcus might be afraid of me at church, but if there is a bouncy ball involved, him and I are pretty good buddies. :)
Oh I am so excited for you, Tim and Marcus. How blessed these two little spirits are to come into your family. I hope the sickness leaves quickly! COngratulations on being able to share the news! I am so happy for you!
Well I have to say I am still shocked to think about twins. Even though we have just been waiting for somebody in the family to have twins, it didn't seem real until I saw the ultrasound picture with the two sacs! But at least my number of neices/nephews will double by the time this year is over. Maybe Kimberlie can get pregnant with twins next, then we can have a nice big family! :) Congratulations again. I can't wait to come and play with those two little kids and see Marcus as a big brother.
Oh my gosh! I am so happy for you! Congratulations! Please keep us posted on the pregnancy as things move along! Much love!
AAHHH!!! Hurray!!! Double trouble, that will be fun! Congratulations, I'm so happy for you.
That's hilarious that Julie's first comment was "Holy Crap!" because that was what I said to Matt right after I read the news. WOW!! That is so exciting! Boy is Marcus going to have his world turned upside down! WOW! I just want to keep saying it...WOW! Congratulations!
Oh. My. Gosh.!! Yay!! I can't believe twins! (!!) Sorry, I can't contain the excitement. Congratulations! Enjoy the "peace" while you can cuz I can't imagine twins. Keep us posted. How exciting!
P.S. That Clomid sure does work. I know a lot of other couples who got pregnant off of that.
I am very excited and pleased for both of you. I love you so very much and hope to be the best Grandma there is (along with Kathrine of course!). Marcus will be a great big brother to his siblings! Love you!!!!
Katie!!! Yea!!! I can't tell you how much I want to be there to give you a big hug and say YEA!! I also starting laughing immediately when I saw it was twins, b/c that was my big fear when we went through our pregnancy trials! But you and Tim will be perfect for that, you are both very patient and Heavenly Father knows that I would have pulled my hair out if that would have happened to me! Again, congratulations, you are the greatest, and we'll continue to pray for you guys - we know how much that helps.
Congratulations Katie! Have you considered the name Jacob in my honor, if it's a boy? (J/K...sort of...)
Congratulations! We're very excited for you. Twins! Mike is jealous--he's always wanted twins. We love you and hope that you start feeling better soon.
We ran into Alisha at Bridal Veil Falls and she told us the news. CONGRATS! We're super happy for you. Hopefully you start feeling better.
That is so exciting. I am so happy for you guys. Hope you feel better soon
Congratulations again! We were so happy when you told us on Saturday!!
This brought TEARS to my eyes, Katie. I am SOOOOO unbelievably happy for you guys. I will be thinking about you constantly, and hope that you'll keep us updated as much as possible! COngrats, Congrats, CONGRATS!!!!
Katie! That is so wonderful! I am so excited about your news! I have a soft spot for your story and I too got teary reading your post! You will just LOVE having twins! I can't wait to find out what you're having!
In the meantime, if you want a good book to read on multiples, read, "When You're Expecting, Twins, Triplets or Quads" by Dr. Barbara Luke. It was the best book I read and really gave me a heads up on a multiple pregnancy without being too scary, yet informing me of things to watch for. Again, I am so happy for you! Congrats!
Yeah! I am SOOO freakin' happy for you guys! That is the best news I have heard all week. Good luck with all that lies ahead, and I can't wait to see the little cuties when they pop. This little miracle couldn't have happened to a nicer gal. You deserve all the happiness in the world.
Katie, that IS just so great! Oh my goodness, I am so excited for you! How wonderful! Keep us updated. I love you guys!
Oh, Katie!! That is the best news that I've heard in a long time! We are so happy for you, Tim and Marcus! Twins!! I can't believe it! It's going to be crazy, but you are such a wonderful mother! Congrats!! We love you guys!!
That is so great! I hope that all those wonderful blessings continue through out the year. You and Tim will do great with twins and Marcus will be a great big brother. Congrats!!!
Katie! CONGRATULATIONS! I obviously have been off the blogger track for a while and missed the news until now. But, wow, I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOO happy for you! And twins, how are you feeling about that? I'm sure you're SUPER excited and probably a little interested in finding out how that will work. You'll do GREAT! I truly am thrilled for you! What an adventure!
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