Tuesday, April 15, 2008

My favorite flower


Ben, Aubrey, Alexis, Gabby & Haylie said...

Are those from your garden? I love tulips and going to Thanksgiving Point to the Tulip festival has got to be one of my favorite things. Again, great minds think alike.

Steff said...

Tulips are my favorites too. Those ones are so pretty. Now I feel like I need to go get some flowers to cheer up my house since the temperature just dropped 500 degrees again.

Elder Richey said...

Aub: Nope, I bought these from a charity--only $7 for 10 (the others are in a vase by my bed) I thought it was a pretty good deal and they're lasting a long time too.

Steff: Yep, the temp just dropped here too. Thank goodness for cheery flowers :)

Lisa said...

I was about to ask if they were from your yard, so I'm glad you answered that one! They are very beautiful. I do love spring flowers.

Eleyna Julia said...

WOW! Those are amazingly gorgeous! Did you grow them?

By the way, I love Dr. Laura's The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands. I really learned a lot from reading it right after I got married.

Miss Megan said...

I'm not sure what it is, but there really is something special about our friend the tulip. Maybe it's because after a long, hard winter, the sight of one popping up out of the ground is magnificent to behold? Tulips also represent Easter, spring, and re-birth, and usually come in magnificent colors. Did you grow these particular tulips in your garden? They are lovely!

While I love many different flowers for many different reasons, I have to say that my absolute favorite are iris. Cheers to us bulb lovers!!!

ann said...


Brian Adair Fam said...

Those are such beautiful tulips. The richness of color is amazing!! Love it!

Tammy said...

My favorite too. These are beautiful!

Tammy said...

My favorite too. These are beautiful!