A few of you may remember the daybed incident. If not, you can read about it
here. When we decided to move Marcus to a big bed, we just moved the guest bed over and called it good. However, I really wanted to still have a comfortable place for a guest to sleep, but I didn't really want to go buy another bed. It was a conundrum, people. Then one day we were at Savers and Tim saw a wooden toddler bed and suggested that maybe we get it for Marcus so that we could have the guest bed for another year or so. I didn't like the idea, had always felt that toddler beds were a waste of time, and vetoed the suggestion. But as the day went on, the idea began to sound better and better. I imagined that I could paint over the ugly Elmo motif that was currently on the toddler bed. I'd paint it a lovely blue and then paint the pale yellow dresser (leftover color from the sweet baby boy nursery days) the same blue. Then I could get a vinyl letter M and put it on the headboard. Awesome!! So, I sent Tim back to Savers to buy the toddler bed for $20. It wasn't there anymore.
A few days later, I told my sorry tale to my cousin, Rachelle, and she sympathized with me because she is cool like that and then on Monday she called to tell me that there was a toddler bed FOR FREE on Craigslist and it looked like it fit what I wanted exactly. Here it is before:

Bleh, not quite sure what they were going for here. But it does have the headboard I wanted.

After. Marcus helped paint the middle boards. Also, did you know that there are a million shades of dark blue? Because there are. It took me forever to decide between Inkblot and Cornflower. Cornflower won. I haven't got the vinyl M yet, but it is going to go right there on the headboard. Doesn't it just look like what you imagine Baby Bear's bed looked like in "Goldilocks and the Three Bears?"

Here's the the dresser, sporting its new coat of paint. We also bid farewell to the changing pad that used to sit on top of this dresser. I'd like to get a poster like
this one with his name to hang above the dresser, but they are a little pricey.

Marcus likes his "blue room." I also found a cork board at DI for $2.00. We just painted the frame blue and it fits right in. We taped some pictures that are special to Marcus on the board to make it his very own. I'd like to get a magnet board too.

Here's the room from another angle. I'm thinking I'll get a red pillowcase to add another splash of color. Also, I'd really like to find some kid art (bright primary colors--maybe paintings of cars and trucks) for this wall. It is pretty bare right now.
What do you think?
I think it is super cute!! Way to be creative! We got a toddler bed too, a metal one and I wish I had a wood one, and sometimes I think it was a waste. But it does solve a bed problem for awhile. And you can't beat free!! I paid 20 for my used one. It is so fun to decorate.
Katie, you did a wonderful job on Marcus' furniture (and think it was at no cost except for the paint and board! The blanket looks good on his bed. I am sure Marcus loves his "new" room.
Darling! I had the same qualms about toddler beds, i.e. why bother with one more transition, but this one sure turned out cute! And for FREE--can't beat that!
You're very industrious, I'm impressed. You should add that to your resume. And the next time you're down, you can figure out some cool, cheap things to do for my girls' rooms.
Everything turned out really great. I'm continually impressed with your thrift and homemaking skills. I actually took Peter to the DI today and raided their movies and books. I found a bunch of books in great condition for about $1 a piece, and I cleaned-out their stock of Disney Sing-Along-Songs on VHS. I love it!
Look at you, all crafty and such! It looks really good, I have to say. I love the white handles on the dresser. And I think I'm going to steal the name poster idea--it's adorable!
It does look like baby bears room. Just like I pictured my own baby bears room years ago. (It never looked like that but that's about how I wanted it.) It really looks great. I know you say you don't but I know you really do like a "fixer upper" And that before picture of the bed, that's a fixer upper if I ever saw one. You made it look awesome. By the way do you and or Marcus like spiderman?
It is way cute Katie. It's amazing how "big boy" the room looks now. The dresser looks great!
I think the bed turned out great. You can take great satisfaction each time you look at it!
Katie! Awesome! Our crib converts into a toddler bed, and I really liked transitioning Heidi into a big bed that way. Plus, they just look so cute sleeping on those miniature beds! :) That poster is also cute. You could totally and VERY easily make a poster like that in Photoshop, or I could make one for you if you want. That's dumb how much they charge.
Thanks for all the compliments, everyone!!
Mary: Marcus does like Spiderman--he's not super obsessed with him or anything, but he likes him.
Lisa: You could make me one of those cool posters on Photoshop?!!! That would be soooo cool. I'd be happy to pay you (just not $50, he he). Awesome! I will e-mail you.
I love Marcus' "new" room! He seems to love it as well! :0) Great idea with the bed and dresser. So fun!
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