I know the title says Saturday, but the story really begins on Friday.
My friend, Mary, called me and told me that some lady in Middleton was moving and selling all of her really nice furniture for really great prices on Craigslist. I immediately got on and checked out the furniture and fell in love with a daybed/trundle bed that included two mattresses and all the bedding. It was in fabulous condition and was selling for $300. I thought this would be perfect because then we could move Marcus from the crib (yes, he's still in a crib--whatever) and into the twin bed that we now have in our guest room. Then, we could move the lovely trundle bed into the guest room and it would work for single visitors or pull out for couples. Tim and I talked it over and called the woman. She didn't return our call into later evening and we told her we were SUPER interested and would be there in the morning. She said that sounded great.
Because we were already on Craigslist we looked around a bit more at dressers and chairs (we need both) and while good dressers were absent, we did find "my chair." I call it "my chair" because it is the IKEA Ektorp chair that I have been coveting since last summer when I first saw it. Unfortunately, the brand new chair has been a little more than we've wanted to spend, but "my chair" on Craigslist was selling for $75!! The slipcover needed to be replaced, but I wanted a different slipcover anyway. We called the girl and told her we'd come over in the later morning (after the daybed lady) and she said that sounded great.
Well, on Saturday morning we dropped Marcus off with his grandparents and drove the long lonely road to Middleton (it is far away, people!!) and guess what? She had freaking sold it!! The night before!! She said that she'd been confused and thought that the people she sold it to last night were us and all this other dumb stuff. Can you believe it? Neither could we. It was a sore loss for sure and we felt it deeply (can you tell I've been reading Jane Austen?)
We headed over to the get "my chair" and breathed a sigh of relief that the girl hadn't sold that item out from under us like the dumb bed lady had. "My chair" is beautiful and fits in perfectly with my couch. My mom has already picked up the replacement slipcover for me and after telling her about the bed fiasco she wisely said, "There is another, even better, daybed/trundle bed out there for you." Until then, I have my lovely chair to soothe me.
That's too bad about the bed, but cool that you got the chair. Craig's list is great! It is Ryan's latest obsession and he checks it about 10 times a day. (We've been looking for an ottoman for our living room, so we don't have to use our coffee table as a foot rest anymore!)
SAD! i would be so mad! at least you got the chair. want me to go on craigslist and flag her items? cause i totally will...
I love craigslist. Just ask the trampoline and swingset we got for FREE in our backyard! :) Along with all our furnishings upstairs in the loft. That's totally lame that the lady sold the bed right under your nose. Rude. Glad you got the chair. Now I feel like I need to go scan the recent listings. I don't want to miss out on anything. :)
That chair looks cute. You must post a picture when you get the new slipcover on.
That stinks about the bed, but I think your mom is right. I'm sure there is a better one out there for you somewhere. :)
Katie! I got your blog address from Em's list. I love reading your posts! You are a great writer. We miss you guys. I'm glad I get to see pics and keep up now.
You are a great story teller. I love reading your posts. Sorry about the bed, but isn't IKEA great. We have been looking at furniture from there.
I'm sorry you lost the bed, but I'm glad you got the chair. Isn't Craig's list the most addicting thing ever? Besides e-bay of course. It's so cutthroat, I can't stand it sometimes. I always feel victorious when I win...sort of like when Xena Warrior Princess kicks all those bad guys in the butt.
I was worried how your story was going to turn out when I saw my name. I've seen lots of trundle beds on there so I'm sure you'll find another one. (Sorry about the drive to Middleton, I know just how far it is, glad we didn't move there.) Sooo excited about your chair, I think of you every time I see a nice accent chair and can't wait to see yours.
I'm sorry about the bed. Some people! :0) That's awesome about the chair. It's so fun finding such good deals on things you really want!! I'm needing to check out craig's list!
I can't wait to see your new chair and sorry about the bed (but it was great having Marcus for while that morning)!
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