Tuesday, February 12, 2008


I haven't blogged in awhile because I've been working on a project and also because I have been sick. Not just with something simple like a cold or a sore throat or the stomach flu or womanly monthly issues--no, nothing so simple as that. I had all of those things!! I had what Tim lovingly termed, "The perfect storm" sickness. And then, because the situation just wasn't bleak enough, Marcus was sick too.

Sunday night was one of the worst nights of my life.

I was already moaning with the symptoms of everything I've mentioned above and had gone to bed early (7:00) when Marcus woke up (9:00) with the cry that all mothers dread to hear, the cry of "I'm in pain because I don't feel good and someone needs to let me sleep in their bed where my little 2 1/2-year-old body can take up the entire queen sized bed thus making it impossible for either of my parents, not the healthy one or the horribly sick one to even consider getting a good night's sleep so don't even think about it" cry. Parents, do you know the cry I'm speaking of? Because if you do, then I feel your pain. Feel. Your. Pain.

I think I slept for all of 2 hours that night. Not two consecutive hours, mind you, just snatches of sleep here and there. In the end, I ended up on the couch watching PBS and Tim ended up in the guest room bed and Marcus ended up stretched out in our bed blissfully asleep.

First Lesson learned: Being sick is crappy. Being a sick mom is crappier. Being a sick mom with a sick child is the crappiest of all.

Second Lesson learned: I need a bigger bed.


The San Diego Mills said...

Poor lady! That really sounds terrible. I hope you're feeling better now. One of the times that I've been the sickest ever was a couple years ago during parent teacher conferences at our school, it was awful! Being sick is the absolute worst thing!

Jenny said...

UGH! I hope this means you aren't going to be getting sick again for a long time. I know how you feel about the bigger bed. I always think about the part from Jaws where they say 'we're gonna need a bigger boat'.

So true.

Mike and Adrianne said...

I agree! Being sick is the worst and being sick with a sick kid is even worse! I hope you are better.

Mary said...

I feel your pain. I litterally do! Tylonal and PBS have been our friends the last few days. Hope it's over soon.

Tammy said...

Oh I hope you are both feeling better. I think moms should never be sick! It jsut isn't fair to not feel well and then have your baby sick too. Bigger bed...I have had that thought...I think it would jsut give CJ more room to roll around and move me place to place?

ann said...

I didn't realize you were sick, sorry, not a very good mother-in-law. But I know what you went thru...just wait until you have 2 or 3 kids at a time and also yourself...I don't think I need to go on. Love you. Happy Valentine's day!!

Lisa said...

A bigger bed wouldn't solve the problem. We have a king size bed, and Heidi still manages to take up way more than her fair share of it. :)

I am sorry you were sick, we just got over some yucky sickness ourselves. It's the worst - kids don't understand mommy being sick.

Andee said...

Ugh! I feel your pain! I was really sick for a couple weeks too but Josh didn't get it thankfully. It would really be impossible to function if he was sick too. You are a great writer, Katie. So do you plan to teach or anything later? You're not working now, correct? Is moving back here in the near future? love ya

Elder Richey said...

Thanks to everyone for their sympathy and fellow moaning and groaning. I'm still recovering from my lovely bug but the medicine is a wonderful new addition to my life :)

Andee:Thanks for the nice compliment. I'm actually working a few hours a week as a tutor for an online tutoring company called Tutor.com. I help kids with their essays. I don't have any immediate teaching or going back to school plans, I'm just happy being home with Marcus :)