Monday, February 04, 2008


So I’ve actually read a few more books than my sidebar would have you think. Here they are along with my thoughts and recommendations. Also, for any Sophie Kinsella fans (Shopaholic series) she has a new book out now. I’m excited!

The Bourne Identity by Robert Ludlum
I really like the Bourne movies, especially the first one, so I thought I’d give the book a try. Tim read it a year or two ago and didn’t like it too much because he said it was so different from the movie. It is a lot different from the movie in that it isn’t so much Bourne against the government as it is Bourne against some assassin/terrorist name Carlos. One thing I thought was interesting was how much they changed the Marie character from the book to the movie. In the book she is this brilliant Canadian economist not a German girl who bounces around Europe. I like both Maries, but I thought that shift was pretty interesting. The beginning and the end were page turners but the middle got a bit boring for me. I think I’d still recommend it though for a fun adventure read.

Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson
I read this book in a day or two—it is a YA book and not very long. A friend who teaches junior high kids recommended it to me. The narrator is a 13-year-old girl who was raped at the beginning of the school year by a senior boy. The book follows her through a year of high school as she battles with what happened to her. It’s a story of pain and redemption and is pretty powerful. It definitely isn’t light reading, but I’d recommend it.

On Chesil Beach by Ian McEwan
I picked this book up at the library because there’s been so much buzz about Ian McEwan and I thought I’d better get in on the action. I didn’t like it at all. The book is about this newlywed couple in the 60’s and the majority of the book is about their wedding night and how they’re really nervous etc. The book goes back in time and shows their childhoods and courtship—all that led them to this night. The worst part of the book is the ending and the conversation and resulting consequences of that conversation. What happens to the characters just feels like such a waste to me. This book definitely bothered me and I wouldn’t recommend it.

Happy Reading, Everyone!!


ann said...

You are a reader and I love it. I haven't read as much as I like to lately because of time and it is hard for me to put books down and I need my sleep from working all day...but I love books as well and am glad my mom taught me to love and enjoy reading.

Miss Megan said...

"Speak" sounds like a great book, I will definitely have to check it out. As for the Bourne books, Mike has now read them all and really liked them for the most part. I was as astonished as you about the character Marie. Mike said they couldn't be more different from book to movie. Also: I just bought a copy of "Atonement" because I LOVED the movie. I hope it's better than "Chesil Beach". Eeek! Thanks for the book review, keep 'em coming!

Miss Megan said...

Oh yes, and I need to read "Capture the Castle". All on my lists for this year!

Elder Richey said...

Ann: I can understand the late night reading. Tim is always asking me why I don't take more time with my books--it's because I want to know what happens!!

Megan: I still think I'm going to try Atonement. Another friend who didn't like Chesil Beach said she liked his other books. Let me know what you think of Atonement--I'm interested to hear.

The G-5+2 said...

Thanks for the great book reviews you have peeked my interest. Silas Marner is an awesome book and I love it I can't wait to here what you think.

Jill T said...

Oh good, more recommendations! Thanks! I loved the snowman, and the new haircut! Looking good in Idaho!

Steff said...


Have you read "Wicked"? I just started reading it and I'm not loving it. Just wondering if you read it and if it is worth continuing. Thanks for the opinions on the other books. :)

Elder Richey said...

Everyone has warned me off of Wicked so I've never read it. I'd say stop reading it if you don't like it. The broadway play is a lot different--much better. (Or so I'm told, I haven't seen that either).

I'm making your "creative cookies" I've spread the word and a bunch of my friends are going to be giving them to their husbands too. :)

Steff said...

Thanks for the advice on the book. I did stop reading it. There were some "interesting" parts in the beginning and I didn't want to keep reading if it continued on the same way. Sounds like I made the right choice.

That's awesome that you are making those cookies. They are hilarious. I'm sure Tim will like them. :)

Timid Tripper said...

I'm so glad you liked Speak. And did you know that Capital Theater is doing Wicked in their 2008-09 season? I'm already planning on spending the night on the sidewalk if I need to, to get tickets.