Friday, February 01, 2008

First snowman

Boise has received more snow this year than it has in a long time. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not a huge "let's play in the freezing snow until our socks are soaked and our fingers feel like they're frostbitten," type of person, but today there was some sunshine and it felt a little warmer, so Marcus and I went out to play. I promised him we'd build a snowman and this is what we came up with . . .

"More snow. More snow." I taught him how to pack the snow nice and tight around the snowman so that he wouldn't fall over.

I think Marcus's favorite part was sticking sticks into the snowman. We started out with just some good old fashioned stick arms, but Marcus thought he needed a few more.

A little winter friend. Marcus checks on him regularly by looking out our back door. At one point he said, "Cold snowman needs mittens." I explained that just Marcus needs mittens because his snowman is one of those "let's play in the freezing snow until our socks are soaked and our fingers feel like they're frostbitten," kind of people.


Mary said...

I like yoer snowman. Are you sure you've never done this before? You look like a pro!! (Krisstopher)

Megan and Shawn said...

Yeah I think your snowman is a snow alien condsidering all the limbs he has! The snow out in Iowa never packs, so we've yet to conquer a snowman! Looks fun.

Steff said...

I looked at the picture before I read the explanation and I couldn't figure out why you put so many sticks all over in the snowman. It all makes sense now. :) You, Marcus and your snowman are all cute!

alecia said...

I love it! Marcus looks like his cheeks are kinda frozen, but he obviously had a great time with it! It is nice to see that Marcus has some unique artistic qualities.

Mike and Adrianne said...

That is so cute with all the arms. I love how little kid's imagination works. I'm like you...sometimes I just really hate being in the snow but other times it is just so much fun to play in. We have only gotten snow twice this year and neither time did we get enough to do anything with.

Eleyna Julia said...

Cute snowman! I am with you on the snow-thing overall though, snow is to be enjoyed inside by a roaring fire with a good book. Way to suck it up for your little boy! Looks like you guys had fun!

ann said...

What a cute snowman. And I am proud of Marcus' artistic and creative abilities even at his young age!

Tammy said...

What a great post. I love all of his arms! What a kid to think of the snowman's freezing hands! This makes me think I should make a snowman with CJ...maybe if we get some sunny weather that last longer than the time period that he is taking his nap! Oh well there is always next year!

happytew said...
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happytew said...

Thanks for sharing these pictures... My how the little man is growing! How fun to build the first snowman! It turned out great!! Spring is just around the corner, so enjoy the snow as long as you can!! Love you guys!