Tuesday, January 08, 2008

When the cat's away the mice will play

This one is for Tim. We love you. Drive safe tomorrow.


Jenny said...

LOVE the glasses!

Elder Richey said...

Thanks!! They're my attempt at being hip and trendy. It's nice to know it wasn't a swing and a miss :)

Brian Adair Fam said...

So cute!!!!! This picture is definitely a keeper!

Tammy said...

I love this picture! What yummy thing were you making this time? Also I agree the glasses are awesome!

Megan and Shawn said...

Katie! This is Megan Summers from BYU. I've been doing some blog stalking and found you guys! I can't believe how big Marcus is! He is a darling boy. How is Boise? We sure wish we were in Idaho instead of Iowa. Hope you are doing good!

ann said...

Great picture and glad Tim made it home safely. Looks like you both had fun making the treat for Tim's homecoming.