Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Because really, toys are just so yesterday


The San Diego Mills said...

I love it! Maybe you can just get Marcus some giant baskets for Christmas!

Tammy said...

Love love love it! Kids are the best. I love how creative they can be! CJ is into all of the moving boxes we have laying around!

Ben, Aubrey, Alexis, Gabby & Haylie said...

Lexi used to do the same thing with her Mr. Potato Head bucket. But she would get a wooden spoon and bang it on the bucket while it was on top of her head. Kids are funny.

Jenny said...

Boys are the best. Your is so stinkin cute.

ann said...

I can't believe how much Marcus has started playing pretending games. He is such a hoot to watch! Thanks for having us babysit him last night. It was wonderful!