Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Job Hunt Comes to an End

It is with great happiness and joy that I announce that Tim will be one of those graduates who actually goes straight from school to a job that actually has something to do with his degree. Yes, one and all, Tim got a job offer from a public accounting firm in downtown Boise and as of this morning when we accepted it, we have plans!!! Our plans include a salary and benefits and a bonus just as soon as that CPA is finished (which will be the end of this month). The firm is called Eide Bailly and they are ranked 22 in the nation. He'll be joining their Audit staff. The really neat thing is that we actually got to CHOOSE who we wanted to work for. Alert: here's the part where I brag about my husband. Tim got 4 offers from various firms. It was so exciting and so much better than last year (though Tim really didn't like having to call people and tell them "no thanks.") Needless to say, there is much rejoicing in our household.

And yes, I have already begun scoping out the housing market. Yipppee!


Elder Richey said...

Thanks! We're flying down on Tim's birthday in the very early morning and then we'll be in Utah until Monday night, so I definitely think there will be time to do a celebratory dinner. Maybe we could even do something fun for dinner on Tim's birthday. My brother flys in on Thanksgiving day at 10:40 in the morning. We are sooo excited!
Also, Tim's decided to walk at graduation. That'll be on Dec 15th (Friday) so if you can make it that would be great. If not, that's okay too because we'll be making another trip down to Utah in Dec.
Oh, how are things? Feel free to e-mail me . . .

Elder Richey said...

Oh, I just realized that you guys will all be here for Thanksgiving. Duh! Oh well, we'll catch up in December. Have fun with your mom. She made the cutest placemats for Thanksgiving dinner.

Timid Tripper said...

Of course I'm happy for you, but I was hoping you'd be forced to take a job closer to me. ;) Congratulations on an easy transition and on the blessing of getting to choose.

Mike and Adrianne said...

Congratulations Tim and Katie. It's always exciting to have a job! We love our house so we are excited you get to look into buying one. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Katie! You guys are so lucky. Colleges should have you two as the poster children for their success stories.

Elder Richey said...

Ha ha, thanks Jenny Lynn.

By the by, what's going on with you guys? What are the plans now that you're back in Utah?

Ben, Aubrey, Alexis, Gabby & Haylie said...

Congratulations and good luck with the house hunt. I'm glad you get to stay where you want to be.

Lizza said...

CONGRATULATIONS! We're very excited for you and glad we'll get to see you when we go visit the Gooding family. Have fun searching for your dream home and come down next spring to use our soon-to-be Ikea to decorate.

Elder Richey said...

Lizza: It's a date.