Sunday, February 03, 2013

Eee Bee Boutique

Did you know my sister has an Etsy shop? She makes adorable little headbands for equally adorable little baby girls. Sadly, I have only males at my house, but I have taken to using her creations as gifts for my friends who are blessed with little girls. Check her shop out, then go one step further and buy one :) I think she even takes requests for colors and such PLUS she's always doing great specials and sales. In fact, if you use the code Katie30, you'll get 30% off your order. What?! My name is in a code?! Guess I can cross that off my bucket list :)  Go use it immediately! You won't be disappointed.
My niece, Emery, wearing one of my sister's beautiful headbands

1 comment:

ann said...

What a lovely gift for a granddaughter.....