Saturday, February 02, 2013


I'm going to try to blog every day this month. I managed to (almost) do it back in November and I figure if I keep it up every few months, my blog will still manage to provide a pretty accurate account of our lives. Plus, it forces me to slow down and observe a bit more which isn't a bad thing when 4 little boys are running at top speed most of the day. Also, my mom and sister will love it, so there's that, too.

We broke out the Wii last night and it is so much fun. The boys (and I am including Tim in that) are really loving it. We borrowed a few games from some friends and Marcus says his favorite is Mario Kart and Owen and Eli love Wii Sports and Wii fit. Tim loves some of the weird retro games that are on the Wii system, like football (shocker!)

The family favorite from last night, though, was creating our Wii Mii's which are a player's avatar. For some reason, we all just found it so hilarious to create our own little Wii person that looks sort of but really not at all like us. We even made one for Zachy and laugh hysterically whenever he makes some sort of appearance in the crowd or on the sidelines of the game we're playing (he frequently shows up at the bowling alley).

I think the Wii is great fun to play, but I am really loving that we can watch Netflix on it. Tim and I stayed up too late last night watching a movie and it was so nice. This morning, Zach sensed I hadn't gotten enough sleep last night, so he woke up at 6:30. Everyone else was still sleeping and the house was dark and quiet; instead of turning on some lame Saturday morning early show, I got on Netflix and we cuddled and watched an episode of Phineas and Ferb which made what could have been a cruddy morning actually quite enjoyable.

"Must Bust! Must Bust!" I love that show.


Harlin Family said...

Hurray for the Wii!! We love it at our house. We were also up too late watching netflix this weekend. My friend read an article about tv binging, because of things like netflix where you can watch one episode after the other, without having to wait. Also, we love Phineas and Ferb at our house! One of my favorite lines from Candice goes like this, "Your going down, D.O.W.N, Down!" That show always makes me laugh. :)

ann said...

I have done the wii fit before & like it. Have fun!