Monday, January 07, 2013

11 months

 Oh my sweet baby Zachy! You are 11 months old. Just one more month and we'll be having a birthday party. I read a quote this last month that fits my feelings perfectly, "The days are long, but the years are short."

December was busy and wonderful because it was our first Christmas with you. You made it that much more fun and special. Here are a few of the things you got to during that Christmas month:

Day after Christmas bowling! A Richey family tradition :)
Hanging out with the fellow 2012 babies for New Year's Eve. Seriously, we could not get enough of looking at these three boys. Adorable.

 A bath on Christmas day with your new bath toys. Santa knows you so well.

Done with presents and ready for breakfast. 

 Meeting Santa Claus (and turning me into mommy mush at the same time). 

 Spending the days with mom and these two crazy guys.

Today, I was holding you on my lap and Owen came up and patted you on the head and said, "You are cute."

We love you, Baby Zachy!!

1 comment:

ann said...

What adorable pictures of an adorable 11 mo old!!
He also has very cute brothers & parents :)