Thursday, September 05, 2013


This little person HATES nursery. How you can hate a place where there are toys and friends everywhere and where they give you yummy snacks and sing happy songs is beyond me, but he does. Passionately. As soon as we get to the nursery door he turns into a little spider monkey and wraps his arms and legs around my body as tight as he possibly can. When I pry him off and hand him to the very sweet nursery worker, he begins to shriek and cry. And he doesn't stop until the (now harried) nursery worker brings him to me and says very sweetly that she thinks he's done, but he's welcome to come back when he's ready. So then we sit in the little alcove and I rock him while he gulps and sighs because he's worn himself out from crying.

All our boys have gone through this and all of them have later fallen absolutely in love with nursery to the point where once when we were visiting my mom, and attended church with her, Eli started crying when he realized we were leaving after sacrament meeting and he wouldn't be going to nursery. Big crocodile tears, too.

One Sunday, I did go to nursery with Zach in an attempt to help him relax and enjoy it because I was sitting right there. I wouldn't say he loved it, but he didn't cry and he sat on the adorable little chairs for snack, lesson, and singing time. He even played with the toys. My calling makes it difficult for me to be in there with him, though. Tim says he'll go in for a bit to help him because this cold turkey thing doesn't seem to be working out for Zach or those saintlike nursery workers. I know this is a big milestone in Zach's short life and we want to make it a little easier on everyone.

I secretly loved being in nursery with Zach. It is hilarious to watch all those kids in their little Sunday clothes. They are almost all the babies of their families and very much used to getting their way, so it is funny to watch them interact with each other. Once, a kid about Zach's age was happily walking around pushing the little toy vacuum (a coveted toy, I assure you) when a little girl came up and just took it from him and began to push it around. The boy looked shocked and then started to cry but the girl just glanced at him and went on her way. You could see this boy didn't know quite what to do because this sort of thing had probably never happened to him before as he is the sweet baby of his family. I'm telling you, it is every toddler for him/herself in there.

Poor crawling, usually gets his way, baby Zachy, no wonder this is such an adjustment for you. It's rumble in the Bronx in there (but with cute flouncy dresses and adorable little ties).


Kara said...

We usually go in with our kids if they're super clingy, too. Seems to help them adjust better. I mean, c'mon, if I was two-ish feet tall and my life support left me in a room with strangers I'd be emotional, too.

Elder Richey said...

"life support" I love it!

Tonya said...

oh no... that was probably Ashlyn stealing the vacuum! ha ha ha.

Elder Richey said...

It wasn't. :) Sweet little girl will remain nameless. It was pretty hilarious, though.

Kim A. Hodges said...

I totally was going to say the same thing as Tonya after hearing other stories. :) LOL! He will definitely get used to it & love it just like Eli & Owen did. :)