Sunday, June 09, 2013

Summer means park lunches

Around these parts summertime means park lunches. The city has a program where kids ages 1-18 can receive a free lunch at various parks during the week. We've been going ever since we moved to Boise nearly eight years ago. It is a wonderful program. They've since added a mobile library and an activity coordinator so that makes things extra cool. This is Zachy's first year to enjoy park lunches (we brought him last year but he was too little to enjoy it) and his favorites have been the strawberry and chocolate milk and this little fruit puree bar that is smeared all over his face. He doesn't love the grass so much which is funny because it acts as this invisible force field of sorts that keeps him on the blanket. Imagine that scene from Mission Impossible where Tom Cruise drops from the ceiling and has to balance his body with his arms and legs held out to keep from touching the floor--that is Zachy with the grass.

His baby hair is so fine and wispy and I've decided to have some fun with this whole "I'm never going to walk, Mom" business and so we aren't going to cut it until he starts walking. It will be interesting (and funny) to see just how long it gets. Eli didn't get his first haircut until he was two so we'll see if Zachy can beat that record . . .

Marcus passed another "growing up" milestone yesterday. He learned to tie his shoes. He is very pleased with himself and his new accomplishment :)

Happy summer, everyone!


ann said...

Zachy, you are so cute, even with food on your face, maybe even cuter :)
It won't be long before he starts chasing after his brothers on his legs instead of his stomach.

Marcus, again...way to go in learning new things.

Enjoy the joys of summer!

Eleyna Julia said...

What a fun summer activity!