Tuesday, October 12, 2010


"But I won't stand too close, right Mom?"

One thing that Marcus was REALLY excited about was the cactus or cacti--if you will. He looked for them everywhere and was always quick to inform any adult present that we better not touch it or we'll get hurt. Unfortunately, while on a walk with our cactus enthusiast, Grandma didn't listen to Marcus's wise words, and she picked up a prickly pear that looked all innocent and non-prickly and was pricked by it's teeny tiny little invisible prickles. After that, Marcus added Grandma's experience to his warning speech and used it as a cautionary tale every time we came near the various cacti of New Mexico.


Jessi said...

There's gotta be some gospel parallel to this story.

ann said...

I agree with Jessica--Marcus, you are way smart!