Over the past few weeks, I've noticed that a certain memory has been coming into my mind quite frequently. It wasn't until just the other day when I was talking about it with Tim that I realized why this particular memory has been popping up.
A few years ago, we went to Coeur D'Alene for our family vacation, and on the drive back home we stopped in a little town. We found a park and had a little picnic there. It was a pleasant summer evening and there was nobody at the park. We put out a blanket and rested a bit, stretched our legs, and played with sweet baby Marcus (he was only about a year old at the time). The park must have been on the edge of the town because I remember looking across the street and seeing a hill with grass and a house on it, but the hill beyond was empty and covered in desert plants and then beyond that there were more desert hills. The town just seemed to immediately end at this little hill. For some reason, this was fascinating to me. I've always grown up in places were the towns blended into one another and even when I've visited little towns, I don't think I've ever stood at the very edge of one. This view was so peaceful to me. It was a lovely summer evening and I was heading home from a wonderful little vacation. I was sitting in a park with the two people I loved the very most and we were in a town where nobody knew us. There were no responsiblities or outside things to worry about. It was just us in the middle of nowhere, together.
When I told Tim about my memory, I could not remember the name of the town, so I just described what I've written above, to him. He told me the place I was remembering was Pendleton, Oregon. When he said the name, I laughed a little bit because I realized that this memory had been coming into my mind when I felt stressed or tired or angry or impatient, and the memory had calmed me. I've been to a lot of beautiful and interesting places with lots of wonderful people, but it turns out that Pendleton, Oregon on a summer evening, in a park on the edge of nowhere, with my family is my happy place.
Beautiful. My place is a box canyon in Vernal. Total peace.
Love you.
AS I was reading this post I have to tell you it is a place I wish I could go to...it sounds like a heaven. Not sure I have found my place jus yet!
Katie, thanks for sharing your peaceful memory. I remember going camping at a lake in Utah I believe, Paradise Lake, which was off the beaten path. Very peaceful and beautiful. I haven't thought of that place for a long time. Thanks for reminding me.
Sounds beautiful. Like Tammy, I don't know if I have that peaceful memory yet...maybe I'll just use yours til I can find mine:) And can I just say that I love keeping up with your blog! I just love your sweet family.
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