Thursday, March 05, 2009

"I need to watch what I say" or "Our trip to the zoo"

While Auntie Kimberlie and Cousin Tyler were here last week, we decided to take a trip to the zoo. Marcus decided to wear some pants that were too big for him, so before we left I said something casual like, "Hey, if you don't wear a belt, the lion is going to pull off your pants." Okay, perhaps not the smartest thing to say to a three-year-old, but he did put on a belt. Anyway, at the zoo they have a cool new African area were there are two new giraffes and some lions (also new). Marcus had seen these animals before with his dad and there hadn't been a single problem. Well, today would be different.

The giraffes were neat to look at and then we wandered over to the lions. There is this big glass wall, that I'm sure to Marcus looked like no wall, but we all stood there and looked at the really cool lion. From across the pen, he saw us, and started to walk over. He had this mean snarly look on his face. I thought it was kind of neat that he was actually coming over to us. Then, I heard a piercing scream and turned to see Marcus running for his life in the opposite direction. I tried to reason with him, but he refused to go back--he wouldn't even go on the path that went by the lions, we had to back track past the giraffes. And then the lion started roaring. Also, pretty cool, I thought, but not for poor Marcus. Whenever he heard the lion roar, even if we were on the other side of the park, he hunched his shoulders up around his chin. At one point, he even crouched down and said, "We've got to get down! We've got to get down!" I couldn't understand why he was so scared when he'd thought they were so cool on his previous trip. But then the next morning, when he was talking to Tim about it, he said, "The lion was coming up to me. I didn't want him to take my pants."


I LOVE these baby bjorns. Best. Carriers. Ever.

Marcus and Cousin Tyler or as Marcus says it, Tywer.


Cormorant said...

Funny story! Sometimes I just LOVE teasing Ava, even though it's for my own personal enjoyment. Not that you were teasing Marcus, but it did make for a fun experience.

Jenny said...

This is why we are friends. Mwhahahaha.

Laura said...

Hilarious! Your kids are so cute!

Lexi said...

I loved that story! What a funny little guy. I have the same baby bjorn and recently used it in the airport while I was by myself. Gotta love it.

Mo said...

I'm laughing so hard I have tears in my eyes. Oh, the joys of parenting.

Tammy said...

What a great story. Great pcitures!

Mary said...

I always wonder "what were they thinking?" I believe children usually do things for a reason yet I'm always surprized when I find out what that reason was. By the way, I found the most beautiful desk for you on craigslist, it's only $500.

Lisa said...

Oh my gosh! SO funny! I love the stuff three year olds say, and it only gets better when they're four. I also love taking kids to the zoo.

Melissa and Kolby Nebeker said...

That kills me! You got my laugh.