Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I'm carrying my baby weight a little differently these days

Back before the babes were born I joined a Mother of Multiples group in my area. They have meetings and chat rooms and really sweet semi-annual garage sales, but my favorite perk by far are the classified listings. These listings are by multiple moms for multiple moms and I LOVE them!! For a long time now I've been wanting a Baby Bjorn carrier--I've just always heard that they were the best, but they've been a little pricey for me--no longer, thanks to the cool classifieds. I found a girl who was selling two for way less than the price of one! I am in love with them both and so far the babes seem to approve as well. I'm looking forward to warmer weather when I can start walking with my friend again and we can each pack a baby. (Oh, and sorry about the photo, I think my camera is nearing the end of its life. sigh.)

We had well baby check-ups yesterday. The boys did really well, but I thought I'd spice things up a bit by showing you their sad faces. These pics were taken after we got home and the boys were ready to be out of their car seats. Sweet baby Owen (seen above) weighed a whopping total of 11 pounds.

Our lovely little Eli guy weighed a grand total of 9. 13 pounds. Both are growing quite well on their own separate growth curves. The doctor was happy and asked me if I was still nursing them exclusively. I told him that I was and that it was still going quite well. He apologized for his previous skepticism and told me that he just didn't have any other twin moms who'd been able to nurse exclusively. I'm still a little in shock that it is working so well for me. Grateful shock, though. Very very grateful.


Laura said...

You're looking great Katie! Those little boys are adorable, even if they are crying:)

Lexi said...

For some reason I love the crying pictures. SO cute. Glad to hear that breastfeeding is going so well! I also love baby bjorns, it puts Parker to sleep every time.

Cormorant said...

Geeze, they're even cute when they're screaming! I'm glad things are going so well.

Bekah and Lance said...

Wow! They're getting so big!

Lisa said...

I used a sling with Kara and we both loved it. Baby carrying is the way to go! And, you are looking fabulous!!

Ben, Aubrey, Alexis, Gabby & Haylie said...

That's the best way to carry your baby weight because it's removable.

Brandon, Kandra, Sydnee, Dawson and Emery Plott said...

Your boys are so handsome and cute and you look amazing Katie!! Keep it up!!