Monday, December 22, 2008


Marcus has been really fabulous with the babies. He loves to sing to them and tell them stories. He even helps me give them their baths. When one of them (or both) is crying, he is quick to find an adult so that the boys can receive some comfort. He likes to hold them, but only for a short time, and when he is finished, he'll say, "I done." Which means, "Take him right now, please." With all of this helping, I guess it was only a matter of time before he decided to go one step further . . .

The other night, I was on the computer paying the bills, Alecia (Tim's sister) was in the kitchen making an incredibly delicious dinner (which she has done every night since she got here last Tuesday), and Tim was with Eli in the living room. Owen was asleep on my bed and Marcus was wandering around between all of us. Then I heard his little voice say, "Look, Mommy. Look." I turned my head to find him walking down the hallway with Owen in his arms. My heart stopped for a minute, but I didn't want to shout out and startle Marcus into dropping Owen, so I just sucked in my breath and said, "Oh, Marcus, stand right there please." And then I went and took the baby from him. Later we had a good talk with him about how we don't carry the babies because that is a Mommy and Daddy job. So far, he seems to understand. I still don't know whether to laugh or shudder though when I think of him rolling Owen off the bed and into his arms for the long hallway trek. Yikes.


Tammy said...

Oh how scary but so adorable at the same time. What a great big brother!

Lexi said...

My mom had the same scenario but a different outcome. Tyler had just come home from the hospital and I was about the same age as Marcus. She was taking a nap and I tried to bring Ty in to her on a pillow. I didn't quite make it though, and dropped him on the ground. My mom said it was so scary to hear that thud followed by the screaming. Guess we know now what made Ty the way he is... lol

ann said...

Glad everything turned out OK. Marcus is so adorable with his brothers. Love to you all.

Unknown said...

How scary! My 4 yo always tries to hold the babies too, but at least she does it on my bed.

Merry Christmas!

Katielin317 said...

EEK! YOu are such a good mommy. Its so hard for me not to react and in turn startle Emmie when she is doing something with Kai that she ought not to be doing, which in turn make it when she starts poking him in the eyes and I holler and it scares her AND him AND she acciedntally pokes him harder...I guess I still ahave a lot to learn. Oh, motherhood...