Around 11:00 or so we were moved to our new room and my doctor came in and broke my water. Yes, that was uncomfortable. That is when the action really started. Almost immediately the contractions became very painful. The epidural guy came close to noon and sweet bliss soon followed. As we neared 1:00, my nurse checked me and found that I was a seven and then it seemed almost minutes later that I was a ten. By now, Tim had put on his scrubs and we headed to the OR (all multiples must be delivered in the OR in case of complications or an emergency C-Section). The OR is a bit of a blur for me because everything happened so fast. There were lots and lots of people in there. Owen was ready to come almost immediately after we got in there. After only about 2 minutes of pushing he came and then only a few minutes later Eli followed after. It was amazingly fast. Later, my doctor told me that my delivery was one of the best twin deliveries he had ever seen. Awesome!
My recovery has also been great. I never had to be on anything stronger than ibuprofen. This has been such an incredible blessing because Eli has needed me to be strong so that I can visit him often. Everything is still very surreal, but we are sure happy to have the boys here!! Thank you to everyone for all of your prayers and well wishes.
Owen is on his back and Eli is on his belly--what a cute bum!
Owen is at the top of the pic and Eli at the bottom.
Getting ready to head to the OR. Doesn't Tim look sexy in those scrubs. I told him that maybe he ought to have gone into the medical profession.Owen is at the top of the pic and Eli at the bottom.
Heading up to the recovery room. This is the first time I held my two boys together. Little did I know, that it would be a little while before I got to hold them together again.
We had to wait until we were discharged before we could bring Owen down to see Eli. It was such a wonderful moment when we were reunited again!! Now, we take Owen with us every day to see Eli.
I'm so glad to hear from you! I have been DYING to get the news!!! I have to tell you...reading this and seeing your pictures has brought me to tears. So many memories come to flood my mind. I am so glad that the delivery went well...way to go! I'm sorry that you still have one in the NICU. I'm sure that is super difficult. Hope he gets well & gets to come home to join his brothers soon. How are YOU doing??? Honestly, let me know if I can be of ANY help. I'm thinking about you. Congrats on such adorable little boys!!!
Katie, they are so adorable. What beautiful baby boys! We are so happy for you guys. We are excited to see them in person.
They are both SO cute! Just adorable! Congratulations to all of you! I'm so glad everything went really well and that Eli will be coming home soon!
2 minutes of pushing? You're like superwoman! They are so precious and beautiful. Congratulations and good luck with the whole sleep thing.
YAAAY! I've checked your blog every day this week, hoping for news! I've been thinking of you guys. Those little boys are too cute!! I'm glad you and Owen are doing so well, and that Eli is improving (because that means he's doing well too). That's so cute that Marcus likes to sing to them. I'm sure he will be a great big brother. Hurray for the Richey Family!
Congratulations! Your babies are adorable and you look so good! You are amazing! I hope all goes well and that Eli can come home on Tuesday.
They are adorable. Congrats on your sweet little boys!
Yeah! We were so happy to hear the wonderful news and we're so glad they're doing so well. They are very handsome little boys! Good luck having two newborns at home in a few days!
Keith & Julie Nebeker
yay!!! congrats katie! sounds like you are a champ! lucky you... and they are GORGEOUS! and i LOVE the names. good job. cant wait to see them grow up. so cute!
Our little grandsons are very cute little guys. It is cute seeing Marcus with Owen and we can't wait for him to finally see Eli. Congratulations on your new little additions to your family! We love you so very much!
Oh my beautiful babies. Seriously, I'm kind of weepy just looking at them. I'm so happy for you. If it weren't for the sleepless nights thing, I'd almost want two myself. I love that you wrote separate posts for them as well as some about them together. I think that's a tricky balance to maintain--you're part of a set, but also an individual--but so far you're super mom in that respect! Congratulations--they are SOOOO beautiful!
They are adorable! I am so glad to hear that things went well. I hope that Eli is doing better and that you have been able to bring him home! I hope top meet them soon.
You sure got some handsome little boys. From these pictures Eli looks like Marcus... I don't know, but all 3 little men are little stud muffins. Congrats again!!
Too bad their related to my kids. Dang! I've got one just the right age!
Um, they are ADORABLE!!! I can't believe it. Twin boys! They both look perfect Katie. It sounds like you are doing well too. I'm so happy for you guys. Congratulations. I hope I get to see them sometime soon!
Congratulations Katie and Tim. They are so cute. How is Marcus doing with them?
What big beautiful babies! Way to go! We are so happy for you! So wonderful to hear such happy news.
They are adorable! I hope Eli can come home soon.
CONGRATS!!!! Sounds like you did amazing and I am proud of you!! They are amazing and beautiful. They really are very handsome. I'm so happy for you guys!!! Love ya
I'm so happy for you!
New best friends forever! I love so much the last picture on this posting where their two heads are together... A life time of having a best friend... even when they are not agreeing... What a blessing! You did good my Katie Marie... very very good! Give Marcus a big hug from Grandpa... Love you all so much!
Congrats Katie! You are a rock star! I am so happy for you and I love their names.
Katie, what a great birthing story! Owen and Eli are both so sweet. Just a few more days and you'll all your boys home with you. Can't wait to see you!
Oh how wonderful! Im SO glad to hear the delivery went well and you and boys are safe and sound. I'm so happy!! They are beautiful!
Your boys are absolutely beautiful Katie! I am so glad that (most) everything went well for you and your family. Cheers!
Congratulations! The boys are absolutely adorable. Katie you are my hero. I hope you all feeling well, and adjusting to the extra fun.
Katie, they are so beautiful and handsome all at the same time. I got a little choked up just looking at the pictures.
I can't believe you had twins and still look that good. After I deliver I look like a hurricane victim.
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