Without further ado, I would like to introduce you to my TWIN BOYS!!!!! I had my 20 week ultrasound this afternoon and everybody is healthy and happy. All their measurements are good and their appendages are all in place, and their little internal organs are all working properly (one little guy even peed for us--seriously, we got to watch his little bladder shrink!) The boy on my left side continues to be low with his head snug in my pelvis, while his brother is higher with his head and shoulders near my belly button. Both boys are head down and side by side which explains why I can feel movement in two very distinct places--where their four little feet are kicking and where their little heads and arms are wiggling. I asked the doctor if I could hear their heartbeats this time (I get to see them at all the ultrasounds, but I have really been wanting to hear them) and it was absolutely wonderful. I held Tim's hand as we listened to each little boy's heart beating into the darkened room. And it made me cry.

This little fellow can be found on my right side. Apparently, he is going to be my dramatic son because he is resting his hand on his furrowed brow--okay, the furrowed brow part may be made up but he is resting his hand on his forehead :) This picture is a profile shot of head and belly and that floating round thing is his cord.

This picture is of the little boy on my left side and he is gracing us with a full on "I am looking right at you" shot. Yes, a little spooky perhaps, but I do think it is amazing how human he already is at only 20 weeks. You can see one of his eyes, his nose, his little mouth, and his chin.

This is of the guy on my right side again and I am including it simply because it is freaking adorable. Here is his little leg and foot.
Yea! How exciting! You'll be way out numbered now Katie!!
Oh, what a trooper! I really can't imagine how it would feel with two in there. Exciting times.
Enjoyed the pictures from your trip. And your birthday cake is one of my favorite choices. :)
Two more boys. You are going to have a loud house hold. How awesome that will be. Congrats! I love to see ultrasound pictures. I think they are truly amazing. I love the last one.
YAAAAAYY!! Congratulations!
Hooray for a family of boys! Keeping them alive is easier than having to talk about feelings all the time. Your kids can be like the Beckam kids, without a robot for a mother.
My grandsons look very cute! Thanks for sharing your photos. I am already dreaming of the day when we get to hold them!!!! Keep up the good work :-)
You know, I was just thinking that next time you should just go ahead and have 3 boys all at once! You will be experienced with 2, what's one more!?! Then you can have that basketball team even faster.
So anyway...your mom stopped in yesterday and I got to say hi to her. It is going to be so weird when school starts and she isn't here for me to talk to! But we did get to chat for a minute about the women's walk, that is so great that she is planning to run it! I believe that Kimberlie and I won't be coming up this year for that one, but we will be coming up in October for the one for childhood allergies. You may have already known that. I can't remember what we have and haven't talked about. I am just getting too old! ;)
Wow, the whole thing really is amazing. Three boys! That's so fun and exciting. If they are anything like the two I already have, don't plan on having anything nice in your house for the next 18 years. :)
How cute! That is so exciting! So, can you tell if they are identical or not? You are amazing with taking all that internal abuse. I guess you don't have a choice. :) (I'm sure you are thankful for all those little kicks too- it is kinda reassuring. At least that was how it was for me.)
Thanks for finally sharing - I've been so curious! Keep the belly shots coming, PLEASE!
Three boys!!! Congratulations Katie and Tim! I bet it was so nice to see them healthy.
Oh my gosh. Twin boys! I can't even imagine keeping up with two of my son. Perhaps they'll entertain each other...maybe Marcus can be the ring leader! Keep up the posting. What an amazing blessing/journey/challenge/etc you have ahead of you!
Bekah: Yes, just me and the boys. I sort of like the ring of that :)
Margaret: It can get pretty busy in there at times when they're both kicking and wiggling.
Tammy: I love ultrasound pics, too.
Lisa: Thanks
Jenny: So true, and your Beckam comment made me laugh :)
Ann: We have the same dream. Thanks.
Alecia: You are crazy. And we will really miss you guys at the Women's Walk.
Steff: ha ha ha
Alicia: Yep, all those kicks bring me so much joy and reassurance.
Melissa: I'll keep the belly shots coming if you will.
Adrianne: We feel so blessed to have these two little healthy babies on the inside and one healthy little guy on the outside--good times.
Amy: I sincerely hope they will all be the best of friends and play together while mama blogs :)
Congrats! You are such a good mom, I can just tell. You look so beautiful too. I want to see you next time you are in town.
YAY! Congrats on two more little boys! You're certainly outnumbered now. And happy (late) birthday!
Welcome to the 3 boys club.
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